НА МВД, английский язык (контрольная работа №2)
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22.10.2016, 18:56

Вариант №1

I. Прочтите текст и будьте готовы выполнить задания.

Law Enforcement System

The state has many ways of making sure that сitizens obey the law. It makes the public aware of what the law is. It uses the police to investigate crimes and catch criminals. It authorizes courts to complete the investigation of criminal and civil offences and to pass sentences to punish the guilty and deter others. And it makes efforts to reeducate and reform people who have broken the law.

Ignorance of the law is almost never a defence for breaking it. Governments usually expect сitizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives.

However, there are many laws, such as those prohibiting theft, assault dangerous driving, which simply reflect social and moral attitudes to everyday  behaviour. In such cases a person knows he is breaking the law, even if he doesn’t  know exactly which law it is.

So, the state combats a crime through the courts, the Prosecutor's Office, investigating authorities, state security bodies, police and other law forcement agencies. They have to perform a series of acts to establish  the fact of the crime, discover the offender and determine the penalty to be emposed in vertue of law.

Having received the information that a crime has been committed, the investigator, for instance, commences the preliminary investigation: he inspects the scene of the crime, summons and questions witnesses, detains suspects, etc. During the investigation of a criminal case, he has the right to demand that citizens should take part in examinations and searches, and testify on the facts known to them; and that persons in office make available certificates, documents etc. The police, the investigator, the prosecutor and the court may make such demands only within the power vested them by law.

The main objectives of the police have always been to protect state  and personal property, to maintain public law and order, to safeguard rights and interests of citizens. To fulfil these functions properly the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs  are composed of several departments. The Criminal Detection Department is to detect the criminal, that is to locate and arrest him (her). For the Criminal Investigation Department  to prove the guilt or innocence of a suspect it must collect evidence. The Economic Crimes Department reveals the economic offences. The mission of the State Inspection of Road Traffic Security is to regulate safety in the roads. The Juvenile Inspection is to prevention juvenile delinquency. The Organized Crime Department fights against crimes in the sphere of economy.

II. Выпишете из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями. Подчеркните выражение модальности. Предложения переведите письменно.

III.Выпишете из текста предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в страдательном залоге. Сказуемое подчеркните, укажите его видо-временную форму. Предложения переведите письменно.

IV.Выпишете из текста предложения с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства цели, инфинитив подчеркните.  Предложения переведите письменно.

V. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее. Подчеркните их. Предложения переведите письменно.

VI. Выпишете из текста предложения с обстоятельством цели, выраженным инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом FOR. Подчеркните его. Предложения переведите письменно.

VII. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть конструкция THERE+BE. Подчеркните ее. Предложения переведите письменно.

VIII. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по содержанию текста. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. What is the police used for?

2. What are the functions of courts?

3. Is ignorance of the law a defence for breaking it?

4. What bodies help the state to combat a crime?

5. What should the investigator do after receiving the information that a crime has been committed?

6. What rights does the investigator have during the investigation of a criminal case?

7. What are the main objectives of the police?

8. What departments are the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs composed of?

9. What is the main aim of the Criminal Investigation Department?

10. What is the mission of the Organized Crime Department?

IX. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы и будьте готовы ответить на них устно. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. What are the steps of the criminal justice in the USA?

2. In what cases may an arrest be made without a warrant?

3. What is a felony?

4. What is the punishment for a misdemeanor?

5. May the suspect be released without being prosecuted? In what cases?

6. What does booking include?

7. Where does booking take place?

8. In what cases are summary trials held?

9. What is the purpose of preliminary hearing?

10. Who files formal charges against defendants?

11. What phases is the investigation usually divided into?

12. Are the three phases necessarily separated in time?

13. What does the identification of the criminal mean?

14. In what way is the identity of the criminal ordinarily discovered?

15. What does primarily the problem lie in if the criminal is unknown?

16. What must be done to prove the guilt of the accused?

17. What are the most important phases of a criminal investigation?

18. Why should an officer keep in mind that any article on the crime scene should be handled with great care?

19. What does the term «chain of evidence» define?

20. What types of evidence do you know?

21. What is physical evidence?

22. In what way is circumstantial evidence different from physical evidence?

23. What is the first responsibility of an officer at a crime scene?

24. What is the aim of preliminary investigation?

25. What is our militia created for?

26. How did the militia work during the history of its existence?

27. What is the aim of militia's activity?

28. What departments is militia composed of?

29. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection Department?

30. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?

31. When was Interpol founded?

32. What are the tasks of Interpol?

33. What are the main bodies of Interpol?

34. Where is the General Secretariat located?

35. Whom do we call a white-collar criminal?

36. Who was the first to call public attention to the problem of white-collar crime?

37. What forms of whit-collar criminality do you know?


Вариант № 2

I.Прочтите текст и будьте готовы выполнить задания.  

Crime Prevention

The need to address crime is as old as civilization itself. And, while we have always struggled with whether to punish or rehabilitate criminal activity, there has never been any question that the best alternative to "illegal" behaviour is prevention.

Therefore, every member of the police must remember that it is his duty to protect and help members of the public, no less than to bring offenders to jus­tice. So, for every member of the police to prevent crimes and arrest criminals, he must look on himself as the servant and guardian of the general public and treat all law-abiding citizens, irrespective of their race, colour, creed or social position, with unfailing patience and courtesy .        Prevention as a basis for policing was first formulated in England with the passage of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. In 1829 Sir Richard Mayne, one of the founders of Scotland Yard* wrote: "The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime and detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed. The protection of life and property, the preservation of public tranquillity, and the absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been attained". He considered the  prevention  of crime to be the ultimate goal of the organized police force and the prevention philosophy to be trans­lated into practice. Thus, English law enforcement officials chose not to arm themselves. Armament was viewed as a reaction to crime, not a way to prevent it. In attaining the above mentioned objects much depends on the approval and cooperation of the public, and these have always been determined by the degree of esteem and respect in which the police are held.

In recent years, contact between the police and the community has strengthened. Nowadays most of the public realize that crime prevention is:

* everyone's  business

* more  than security

* a responsibility of all levels of government

* linked with solving social problems

* cost-effective.

Crime prevention requires:

* a central position in law enforcement

* cooperation by all elements of the community

* education

* tailoring  to local needs and conditions

* continual testing and improvement.

Crime prevention improves the quality of life for every community and its residents.

British police activity in crime prevention takes the form of patrolling and assisting the public in crime prevention.

* Scotland Yard – центральное  управление полиции и сыскного отделения в Лондоне.

II. Выпишете из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями. Подчеркните выражение модальности. Предложения переведите письменно.

III.Выпишете из текста предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в страдательном  залоге. Сказуемое подчеркните, укажите его видо-временную форму. Предложения переведите письменно.

IV.Выпишете из текста предложения с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства цели, инфинитив подчеркните, предложения переведите письменно.

V. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее. Подчеркните их. Предложения переведите письменно.

VI. Выпишете из текста предложения с обстоятельством цели, выраженным инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом FOR. Подчеркните его. Предложения переведите письменно.

VII. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть конструкция  THERE+BE.  Подчеркните ее. Предложения переведите письменно.

VIII. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по содержанию текста. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. When and where was the prevention of crime as a basis for policing first formulated?

2. What must the efforts of the police be directed to?

3. Are English law enforcement officials armed?

4. How was armament viewed?

5 .What must every member of the police remember?

6. How must every member of the police look on himself?

7. How is crime prevention considered nowadays?

8. What does the prevention of crime require?

9. What does crime prevention improve?

10. What form does British police activity take in crime prevention?

IX. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы и будьте готовы ответить на них устно. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. What are the steps of the criminal justice in the USA?

2. In what cases may an arrest be made without a warrant?

3. What is a felony?

4. What is the punishment for a misdemeanor?

5. May the suspect be released without being prosecuted? In what cases?

6. What does booking include?

7. Where does booking take place?

8. In what cases are summary trials held?

9. What is the purpose of preliminary hearing?

10. Who files formal charges against defendants?

11. What phases is the investigation usually divided into?

12. Are the three phases necessarily separated in time?

13. What does the identification of the criminal mean?

14. In what way is the identity of the criminal ordinarily discovered?

15. What does primarily the problem lie in if the criminal is unknown?

16. What must be done to prove the guilt of the accused?

17. What are the most important phases of a criminal investigation?

18. Why should an officer keep in mind that any article on the crime scene should be handled with great care?

19. What does the term «chain of evidence» define?

20. What types of evidence do you know?

21. What is physical evidence?

22. In what way is circumstantial evidence different from physical evidence?

23. What is the first responsibility of an officer at a crime scene?

24. What is the aim of preliminary investigation?

25. What is our militia created for?

26. How did the militia work during the history of its existence?

27. What is the aim of militia's activity?

28. What departments is militia composed of?

29. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection Department?

30. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?

31. When was Interpol founded?

32. What are the tasks of Interpol?

33. What are the main bodies of Interpol?

34. Where is the General Secretariat located?

35. Whom do we call a white-collar criminal?

36. Who was the first to call public attention to the problem of white-collar crime?

37. What forms of whit-collar criminality do you know?


Вариант № 3

I. Прочтите текст и будьте готовы выполнить задания.

Crime Detection

 Law enforcement agencies are to detect crimes, appre­hend the perpetrators and provide evidence that will convince judges and juries that the perpetrators are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. To accomplish these aims a variety of methods are used, including reconstructing the crime, collecting physical clues and interrogating suspects and witnesses. The methods of detection employed are dictated by the nature of the crime and the procedures permitted by the legal system.

The investigating process very often depends on the discovery of physical evidence found at the crime scene. Physical evidence is something that is concrete, something that can generally be measured, photographed, analyzed, and presented as a physical object in court.  The rules require any criminal evidence to be handled  correctly. The correct handling of any criminal evidence involves the vital need for proper collection, identification and preservation of all articles of interest. Collecting information is the key investigative task of police work. Roughly 90 percent of an investigator's activity involves gathering, sorting, and evaluating information. Witnesses or victims are interviewed, and suspects and criminals are interrogated. Interrogation is used when the information sought is not readily forthcoming , may be because of  hostility  or guilt. Often, some key to the solution of a crime, such as the location of the weapon in a murder case, is known only to the perpetrator.  For a crime to be solved there must be much in­formation provided by the suspect.  Besides interroga­tions, detectives may rely on a network of informants they have cultivated over the years. Informants often have connections with persons a detective would not be able to approach formally.

In most cases, crime detection begins with crime scene examination. In Russia, an operative group often goes out to a crime scene. It is composed of an in­vestigator (who is usually a search-commander), a detective (detectives), a divi­sional inspector, a crime scene technician, a dog handler and a medical expert.

The investigator directs primary crime scene examination and detection. He in­structs the members of the operative group about their duties at the crime scene. The crime scene technician finds, collects and protects evidence - searches for bloodstains on the objects, develops and takes fingerprints, makes plaster casts of footprints, etc. He also takes pictures of the objects of the crime scene to solve the crime. The detective finds, interviews and interrogates witnesses, a victim and a suspect.

II. Выпишете из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями. Подчеркните выражение модальности. Предложения переведите письменно.

III .Выпишете из текста предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в страдательном залоге. Сказуемое подчеркните, укажите его видо-временную форму. Предложения переведите письменно.

IV.Выпишете из текста предложения с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства цели, инфинитив подчеркните, предложения переведите письменно.

V. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее. Подчеркните их. Предложения переведите письменно.

VI. Выпишете из текста предложения с обстоятельством цели, выраженным инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом FOR. Подчеркните его. Предложения переведите письменно.

VII. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть конструкция THERE+BE.  Подчеркните ее.  Предложения переведите письменно.

VIII. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по содержанию текста. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. What are the responsibilities of law enforcement agencies?

2. What methods are used to accomplish these aims?

3. What does the investigating process very often depend on?

4. What is physical evidence?

5. What is the key investigative task of the police?

6. What does it involve?

7. What does crime detection begin with?

8. What are the duties of the investigator?

9. What are the duties of the crime scene technician?

10. What should the detective do?

IX. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы и будьте готовы ответить на них устно .Вопрос и ответ переведите письменно.

1. What are the steps of the criminal justice in the USA?

2. In what cases may an arrest be made without a warrant?

3. What is a felony?

4. What is the punishment for a misdemeanor?

5. May the suspect be released without being prosecuted? In what cases?

6. What does booking include?

7. Where does booking take place?

8. In what cases are summary trials held?

9. What is the purpose of preliminary hearing?

10. Who files formal charges against defendants?

11. What phases is the investigation usually divided into?

12. Are the three phases necessarily separated in time?

13. What does the identification of the criminal mean?

14. In what way is the identity of the criminal ordinarily discovered?

15. What does primarily the problem lie in if the criminal is unknown?

16. What must be done to prove the guilt of the accused?

17. What are the most important phases of a criminal investigation?

18. Why should an officer keep in mind that any article on the crime scene should be handled with great care?

19. What does the term «chain of evidence» define?

20. What types of evidence do you know?

21. What is physical evidence?

22. In what way is circumstantial evidence different from physical evidence?

23. What is the first responsibility of an officer at a crime scene?

24. What is the aim of preliminary investigation?

25. What is our militia created for?

26. How did the militia work during the history of its existence?

27. What is the aim of militia's activity?

28. What departments is militia composed of?

29. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection Department?

30. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?

31. When was Interpol founded?

32. What are the tasks of Interpol?

33. What are the main bodies of Interpol?

34. Where is the General Secretariat located?

35. Whom do we call a white-collar criminal?

36. Who was the first to call public attention to the problem of white-collar crime?

37. What forms of whit-collar criminality do you know?


Вариант № 4

I. Прочтите текст и будьте готовы выполнить задания.

Crime Scene Processing Protocol

In recent times, science has provided substantial aid to crime scene process.

Each crime scene is different and may require a different approach to processing the scene. However there is a basic crime scene protocol that should be adhered to in all crime scenes. These basic functions or tasks are as follows: interview, examine, photograph, sketch, process.

Interview is the first step in processing a crime scene. The crime scene technician must interview the first officer at the scene or the victim to ascertain the "theory" of the case. Basically what allegedly happened, what crime took place, and how the crime was committed. This information may not be factual information but they expect it to give the crime scene technician a base from which to start.

Examine the crime scene is the second step in the protocol. Examine the scene for what? To ascertain if the "theory" of the case is substantiated by what the crime scene technician observes. Examining the scene to identify possible items of evidentiary nature, identify point of entry and point of exit, and get the general layout of the crime scene.

Photograph the crime scene is the third step in the protocol. Photograph the crime scene to record a pictorial view of what the scene looks like and to record items of possible evidence. Crime scene photographs are generally taken in two categories: overall views and items of evidence.

Sketch the crime scene is the fourth step in the protocol. For the crime scene technician to demonstrate the layout of the crime scene or to identify the exact position of the deceased victim or evidence within the crime scene a rough sketch must be completed. A crime scene sketch may not be completed on every case; however it is supposed some form of sketching to occur in most cases, i.e. on a fingerprint lift card to identify exactly where the latent was recovered.

The last step in the protocol is to process the crime scene. Process the scene for what? The crime scene technician will process the crime scene for evidence, both physical and testimonial. It is the crime scene technician who is to identify, evaluate and collect physical evidence from the crime scene for further analysis by a crime laboratory.

The above five steps in the protocol of crime scene processing are intermingled with each other.

This protocol should be used in all crime scenes. Whether the crime scene is a recovered stolen vehicle or a multiple homicide where several crime scenes are involved the basic protocol is the same: interview, examine, photograph, sketch and process.

II. Выпишете из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями. Подчеркните выражение модальности. Предложения переведите письменно.

III. Выпишете из текста предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в страдательном залоге. Сказуемое подчеркните, укажите его видо-временную форму. Предложения переведите письменно.

IV.Выпишете из текста предложения с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства цели, инфинитив подчеркните, предложения переведите письменно.

V. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее. Подчеркните их. Предложения переведите письменно.

VI. Выпишете из текста предложения с обстоятельством цели, выраженным инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом FOR. Подчеркните его. Предложения переведите письменно.

VII. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть  конструкция  THERE+BE.  Подчеркните ее.  Предложения переведите письменно.

VIII. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по содержанию текста. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. What the basic functions and tasks does the crime scene protocol contain?

2. What information must the crime scene technician get first?

3. What is the second step in the protocol?

4. What is the examining the crime scene conducted for?

5. What is photograph the crime scene undertaken for?

6. What does a crime scene sketch provide?

7. What does the crime scene technician process the crime scene for?

8. What is the responsibility of the crime scene technician?

9. What does he do it for?

10. How do the five steps interact with each other?

IX. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы и будьте готовы ответить на них устно. Вопрос и ответ переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. What are the steps of the criminal justice in the USA?

2. In what cases may an arrest be made without a warrant?

3. What is a felony?

4. What is the punishment for a misdemeanor?

5. May the suspect be released without being prosecuted? In what cases?

6. What does booking include?

7. Where does booking take place?

8. In what cases are summary trials held?

9. What is the purpose of preliminary hearing?

10. Who files formal charges against defendants?

11. What phases is the investigation usually divided into?

12. Are the three phases necessarily separated in time?

13. What does the identification of the criminal mean?

14. In what way is the identity of the criminal ordinarily discovered?

15. What does primarily the problem lie in if the criminal is unknown?

16. What must be done to prove the guilt of the accused?

17. What are the most important phases of a criminal investigation?

18. Why should an officer keep in mind that any article on the crime scene should be handled with great care?

19. What does the term «chain of evidence» define?

20. What types of evidence do you know?

21. What is physical evidence?

22. In what way is circumstantial evidence different from physical evidence?

23. What is the first responsibility of an officer at a crime scene?

24. What is the aim of preliminary investigation?

25. What is our militia created for?

26. How did the militia work during the history of its existence?

27. What is the aim of militia's activity?

28. What departments is militia composed of?

29. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection Department?

30. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?

31. When was Interpol founded?

32. What are the tasks of Interpol?

33. What are the main bodies of Interpol?

34. Where is the General Secretariat located?

35. Whom do we call a white-collar criminal?

36. Who was the first to call public attention to the problem of white-collar crime?

37. What forms of whit-collar criminality do you know?

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