СибГИУ, английский язык (контрольная работа №3)
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13.02.2015, 13:14


В контрольной работе необходимо, используя материал электронного  учебника "Английский язык. Часть 3", выполнить задания соответствующего варианта.

Порядок выполнения контрольной работы

1. Выбрать вариант контрольной работы по первой букве фамилии студента.

2. Обязательно указать в начале работы номер варианта.

3. Выполнить задания контрольной работы.

4. Задание 2 выполнить в виде полного варианта перевода английского текста на русский язык.

5. Задание 3 выполнить в виде полных вариантов ответов на вопросы на английском языке.

6. Задания 4 - 8 выполнить по образцу, приведенному в контрольной работе.

7. Задание 9 выполнить в виде полных вариантов предложений с пропусками, заполненными верными вариантами слов.

8. Задание 10 выполнить в виде полных вариантов перевода предложений на русский язык.

9. Выполненную контрольную работу сохранить в виде текстового файла и прислать на проверку преподавателю.

10. В случае получения отрицательной рецензии на контрольную работу, исправить указанные замечания и вновь прислать работу на проверку.



Вариант 1 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются c букв А-Ж)

Упражнение № 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие интернациональные слова.

Population, communication, productivity, data, statistics, service, operate, upgrade, atomic, complex.


Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст.

The Internet Today

Everywhere we go, we hear about the Internet. It is on television, in magazines, newspapers, and in schools. It is estimated that thirty five or forty million users currently are on the Internet. According to recent statistical data, an average Internet call lasts five times longer than the average regular telephone call. 10 percent of the Internet calls last 6 hours or longer. This can cause an overload and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail.

First, at the end of the 80s, the Internet was used only for reading different texts. Then in the early 90̕s a way was made to see pictures and listen to sounds on the Internet. This breakthrough made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.

However, today the Internet is much more than just pictures, text or sound. It is now filled with voice messages, video conferencing and video games.

Nowadays we no longer have to own a computer to access the Internet. Such device as WebTV allows our television to browse the Web and use electronic mail. Mobile phones are now also dialing up the Internet to provide e-mail and other services. But the telephone network was not designed and built to handle these sorts of things. Many telephone companies are spending much money to upgrade the telephone lines. 


currently – в настоящее время

breakthrough – прорыв

upgrade – усовершенствовать


Упражнение № 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту «The Internet Today».

1. How many users are currently on the Internet nowadays?

2. What lasts longer: an average telephone or Internet call?

3. What was the Internet used for at the end of the 80s?

4. Is a computer the only way to access the Internet?

5. Many telephone companies are spending much money today, aren't they? What for?

Упражнение № 4. Образуйте причастия 1,2 от следующих глаголов.  

Образец: make – makingmade 

1. to create

6. to know

2. to measure

7. to understand

3. to describe

8. to estimate

4. to cut

9. to use

5. to obtain

10. to divide


Упражнение № 5. Найдите правильный вариант перевода выделенных слов.

Образец: 1. – d

1. Reading literature on speciality is absolutely necessary for every specialist.

a) Чтобы читать литературу по специальности……

b) Чтение литературы по специальности……

c) Читая литературу по специальности……

2. To understand this text you have to use a dictionary.

a) Поняв этот текст……….

b) Понимать этот текст………

c) Чтобы понять этот текст…….

3. The data obtained by this engineer is very important.

a) Данные, полученные этим инженером…….

b) Этот инженер получил данные……..

c) Эти данные были получены этим инженером…….

4. You cannot explain this phenomenon without learning the theory.

a) ……не выучил теорию

b) ……не выучив теорию

c) ……чтобы не учить теорию

5. The substances to be used have unusual properties.

a) Чтобы использовать вещества……

b) Вещества, которые использовали…….

c) Вещества, которые будут использовать……


Упражнение № 6. Найдите в предложениях причастия 1, 2 выделите их и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: A smiling person entered the room. Улыбающийся человек вошел в комнату.

1. The children playing in the garden were very happy.

2. When burnt soft coals give much smoke.

3. Knowledge obtained in childhood is sound.

4. The students were plotting the maps when we came in.

5. This text was translated without mistakes.


Упражнение № 7. Найдите в предложениях и выделите герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: Our aim is getting higher education. Наша цель – получить высшее образование (получение высшего образования).

1. Surveying is very important for mining science and engineering.

2. The aim of ancient metallurgists was producing tools and weapon.

3. Our dean is thinking of buying new equipment for our labs.

4. Very soon robots will be capable of carrying out different sorts of office work.

5. Management means planning, directing and coordinating different ideas, activities and programs in order to achieve objectives.


Упражнение № 8. Найдите в предложениях и выделите инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: To become a good specialist one must work hard. Чтобы стать хорошим специалистом, нужно усердно работать.

1. To get some profit you should reduce the costs.

2. Their aim was to get alloys with absolutely new characteristics.

3. This scientist is the first to use the new methods of research.

4. To mend such complex equipment one should have special knowledge and experience.

5. To make highways safer means to keep pavement from freezing under unfavourable weather conditions.


Упражнение № 9. Выберите подходящий по смыслу союз или союзное слово. Переведитепредложения на русский язык.

Образец: I like to eat apples ……I do not like to eat bananas. (and, but, because)

I like to eat apples but I do not like to eat bananas.

1. Coal mining is developed in Kuzbass …… our region is rich in coal. (but, since, so)

2. The time is coming ……. it will be quicker to fly across the Atlantic to New York than to travel from home to office. (but, when, that)

3. The telephone network can be overloaded ……. an average Internet call lasts five times longer than the average regular telephone call. (so, because, that )

4. Internet providers try to find new ways of pricing for customers……in business time any connection to Net costs more than connection at night.(so, because, though).

5. Any device that can perform numerical calculations may be called a computer……nowadays this term is used especially for digital computers. (and, because, but)


Упражнение № 10.  Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использованные в них фразеологические единицы.

1. It is easy for sociable people to make friends.

2. Attention, please! The conference will take place tomorrow at 10 a.m.

3. I have already made up my mind what speciality to choose.

4. As the ecological situation is extremely difficult people should take urgent measures.

5. To prove this theoretical material you should carry out several experiments.


Вариант 2 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются c букв З-М)

Упражнение № 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие интернациональные слова.

Source, substance, protection, activity, security, produce, integrate, rare, unlimited, universal.


Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Ecological Problems

Since ancient times the nature has served people, being the source of their life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man̕s interference in nature began to increase.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The byproducts of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

Every year the world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burnt in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of lakes and rivers dry up.

Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. 159 countries – members of the UNO – have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl.


riches - богатства

byproducts – побочные продукты

to face problems – сталкиваться с проблемами


Упражнение № 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту «Ecological Problems».

1. When did the man's interference in nature begin to increase?

2. What pollutes the air we breathe, the water we drink?

3. How does the world industry pollute the atmosphere? 

4. Why do many birds, fish and plants disappear?

5. What regions are considered to be ecologically poor?


Упражнение № 4. Образуйте причастия 1, 2 от следующих глаголов.  

Образец: make – making, made 

1. to wash

6. to write

2. to buy

7. to demonstrate

3. to sell

8. to show

4. to throw

9. to translate

5. to develop

10. to teach


Упражнение № 5. Найдите правильный вариант перевода выделенных слов.

Образец: 1. – d

1. The investigations analyzed resulted in an interesting discovery.

a) Исследования проанализировали……

b) Проанализированные исследования……

c) Проанализировав исследования……

2. This is the law to be proved.

a) …….который был доказан.

b) …….чтобы доказать.

c) ……..который нужно доказать.

3. Reading technical articles and books is very important for every engineer.

a) Читая технические статьи……

b) Чтобы читать технические статьи……

c) Читать технические статьи…….

4. To carry out this experiment we used absolutely new techniques.

a) Чтобы провести этот эксперимент…..

b) Проводя этот эксперимент……

c) Провели этот эксперимент……

5. By subjecting air to very great pressure and cooling it is possible to transform it to the liquid state.

a) Подвергая воздух…….

b) Чтобы подвергать воздух…..

c) Воздух подвергли …..


Упражнение № 6. Найдите в предложениях причастия 1, 2 выделите их и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: A smiling person entered the room. Улыбающийся человек вошел в комнату.

1. The properties distinguishing substances are colour, taste, smell etc.

2. While watching the TV they didn't hear the telephone rang.

3. The students of our group are discussing the news now.

4. Having read the article he wrote down the main ideas of that article.

5. Не will answer all the questions appeared during the lecture.


Упражнение № 7. Найдите в предложениях и выделите герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: Our aim is getting higher education. Наша цель – получить высшее образование (получение высшего образования).

1. Children are often afraid of doing different tests.

2. Radiant heating is very popular for residential buildings.

3. The only way of getting the correct result is accuracy in measurements.

4. A new system of removing snow and ice from city streets by using electric heat has been tested in Moscow.

5. Such network will be able of processing and transmitting virtually any kind of information.


Упражнение № 8. Найдите в предложениях и выделите инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: To become a good specialist one must work hard. Чтобы стать хорошим специалистом, нужно усердно работать.

1. This is the good to be transported by ships. 

2. Our task is to obtain as much information as possible.

3. To increase the productivity of our plant is our most important task.

4. In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to get to the place they needed.

5. Macroeconomics can be used to analyze how to influence economic growth, price stability and full employment.


Упражнение № 9. Выберите подходящий по смыслу союз или союзное слово. Переведитепредложения на русский язык.

Образец: I like to eat apples ……I do not like to eat bananas. (and, but, because)

I like to eat apples but I do not like to eat bananas.

1. He will get this work…….he is a good specialist. (and, but, for)

2. The man …..was standing behind Russian space strategy was Sergey Korolev. (who, that, whom)

3. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment,  ….. with the development of civilization man̕s interference in nature began to increase. (so, but, because)

4. ……. about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances are thrown into the atmosphere by the world industry every year many cities suffer from smog. (as, though, because of)

5. ……environmental protection is of a universal concern, serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. (since, so, although)


Упражнение № 10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использованные в них фразеологические единицы.

1. Don̕t go there, it is a waste of time!

2. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky worked out the theory of cosmic flights.

3. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries.

4. It is known that many cities all over the world suffer from air pollution.

5. If you want to do a research work you should take part in many scientific conferences.


Вариант 3 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются c букв Н-С)

Упражнение № 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие интернациональные слова.

Industry, energy, object, metal, metallurgy, economist, construction, rare, mechanical, produce.


Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст.

The Importance of Iron

For many years iron was so rare that it was only used for jewellery and ornaments and coins. Later, when some precious metals were discovered, it was used for weapons – first for swords and daggers, and later on for cannon – and for armour to protect soldiers against these weapons. It was also used for making small things such as nails, pots and pans, and hand tools.

During the eighteenth century iron began to be produced on a large scale, and cheaply enough to be used for large objects such as machines and even buildings. This was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Iron and steel are the most important metals in use today; over 600 000 000 tonnes of steel are produced every year throughout the world, and that is about 100 times as much as the next commonest metal, aluminium. This is because iron and steel are cheap – about one sixth of the price of aluminium - and strong. Timber and concrete are actually cheaper than steel for a given strength but they are not suitable for making machines.

Iron production is very important for the economy of each country. Iron is used for production of different machines and equipment as well as medical devices, parts of computers and so on.


sword - меч

dagger - кинжал

armour - броня

nail - гвоздь

concrete – бетон


Упражнение № 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “The Importance of Iron.

1. What was iron used in the past for?

2. What are the most important metals today?

3. How much steel is produced annually?

4. What are the main advantages of iron and steel?

5. Is timber more expensive than iron?


Упражнение № 4. Образуйте причастия 1, 2 от следующих глаголов.  

Образец: make – making, made 

1. construct

6. translate

2. write

7. compress

3. ;calculate

8. isolate

4. organize

9. transform

5. do

10. reduce


Упражнение № 5. Найдите правильный вариант перевода выделенных слов.

Образец: 1. – b 

1. Children like to be told fairy tales.

a) ……чтобы им рассказывали сказки.

b) ……рассказывать сказки.

с) ……рассказывая сказки. 

2. They want to discuss this project.

a) ……..обсудить этот проект.

b) ……..чтобы обсудить этот проект.

c) ……..обсуждая этот проект.

3. Opening the bag she took out a purse.

a) Чтобы открыть сумку……….

b) Открыв сумку………

c) Открыла сумку…….

4. Having been there twice, she decided to spend her vacation somewhere else.

a) Чтобы побывать там второй раз…….

b) Побывать там дважды……..

c) Побывав там дважды…….

5. You cannot explain this phenomenon without learning the theory.

c) ……не выучил теорию.

d) ……не выучив теорию.

e) ……чтобы не учить теорию.


Упражнение № 6. Найдите в предложениях причастия 1, 2 выделите их и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: A smiling person entered the room. Улыбающийся человек вошел в комнату.

1. The completed work was given to the teacher.

2. She sat by the fire reading a book.

3. We went to the party very well dressed.

4. Not knowing what to do I just waited.

5. Caught by the boy, the bird tried to fly away.


Упражнение №7. Найдите в предложениях и выделите герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: Our aim is getting higher education. Наша цель – получить высшее образование (получение высшего образования).

1. Reading is my hobby.

2. I don’t fancy going out this evening.

3. He is thinking of going abroad this year.

4. The aim of ancient metallurgists was producing tools and weapon.

5. Very soon robots will be capable of carrying out different sorts of office work.


Упражнение № 8. Найдите в предложениях и выделите инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: To become a good specialist one must work hard. Чтобы стать хорошим специалистом, нужно усердно работать.

1. I can play tennis.

2. There is nobody to help me.

3. You are clever enough to understand it.

4. Their aim was to get alloys with absolutely new characteristics.

5. To mend such complex equipment one should have special knowledge and experience.


Упражнение № 9. Выберите подходящий по смыслу союз или союзное слово.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. My brother had already left ……. I came home. (but, that, when)

2. Timber and concrete are cheaper than steel ……. they are not suitable for making machines.  (that, but, when)

3. For many years iron was so rare ……. it was only used for jewellery and ornaments. (if, when, that)

4. They usually go to the café …….is near the place they live. (when, that, where)

5. The time is coming ……. it will be quicker to fly across the Atlantic to New York than to travel from home to office. (but, when, that)


Упражнение № 10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использованные в них фразеологические единицы.

1. It will take you 2 hours to get there.

2. He caught a cold and couldn’t go to the university.

3. I went to a hairdresser and got my hair cut.

4. The invention of internal combustion engine gave rise to the development of car producing industry.

5. The conference took place in the main building of our university.


Вариант 4 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются c букв Т-Я)

Упражнение № 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие интернациональные слова.

Process, specialist, material, experiment, profession, airplane, electric, chemical, atomic, correctly.


Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык.


Inventions play a great part in the life of any society and the more inventions appear the more this country develops. Over the centuries man’s way of life was changed by a relatively small number of discoveries and inventions. But changes have come more and more often since the steam engine was invented in 1765 by James Watt. In just two hundred years, man advanced from horse power and candle light to airplanes and neon lamps. Our ideas about travel have changed completely since Gotlif Daimler and Charles Benz built their first petrol engine in 1885 and the Wright Brothers made the first flight in 1903.

Some people say we live in the age of computers; but it is also correctly described as the atomic age or the space age. Today, a journey from London to Cairo takes hours. Only a hundred years ago it took weeks. Today, man thinks seriously of going to Mars. 50 years ago they only dreamt about it. Today we produce energy by splitting the atom. A century ago, no one believed it could be split. Due to inventions technology has advanced so quickly that cars and televisions are out of date only a few years after they were made.

Nowadays it is difficult to say what great inventions will appear in several years, but even now many people are worried because it becomes clear that some of them can be dangerous.


to split – расщеплять


Упражнение № 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Inventions”.

1. When was steam engine invented?

2. Who built the first petrol engine?

3. When was the first flight made?

4. How long does it take to get to Cairo from London?

5. How long did it take a century ago?


Упражнение № 4. Образуйте причастия 1, 2 от следующих глаголов.

Образец: make – making - made

1. generate

6. use

2. discuss

7. pollute

3. get

8. give

4. produce

9. limit

5. read

10. centralize


Упражнение № 5. Найдите правильный вариант перевода выделенных слов.

Образец: 1. – b

1. He was dressed in a blue shirt, spotted with vegetable oil.

a) …….запачкать.

b) …….пачкая.

c) ……..запачканный.

2. She left without saying good-bye to anybody.

a) сказать…..

b) не сказать……

c) не сказав……

3. She was sitting in the arm-chair, looking through the newspaper.

a) …….чтобы просмотреть газеты.

b) …..просматривая газеты.

c) …..просмотрев газеты.

4. This is the law to be proved.

a) ….который был доказан.

b) ….чтобы доказать

c) ....который нужно доказать.

5. Reading technical articles and books is very important for every engineer.

d) Читая технические статьи……

e) Чтобы читать технические статьи……

f) Читать технические статьи…….


Упражнение №6. Найдите в предложениях причастия 1, 2 выделите их и переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: A smiling person entered the room. Улыбающийся человек вошел в комнату.

1. They watched the burning forest helplessly.

2. The completed letter was in front of him.

3. Every day I see them passing the house.

4. Не will answer all the questions appeared during the lecture.

5. The students of our group are discussing the news now.


Упражнение №7. Найдите в предложениях и выделите герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: Our aim is getting higher education. Наша цель – получить высшее образование (получение высшего образования).

1. He didn’t enjoy living in London.

2. The boy was afraid of being left alone.

3. I enjoy listening to folk songs.

4. She is not looking forward to doing the exam.

5. A new system of removing snow and ice from city streets by using electric heat has been tested in Moscow.


Упражнение №8. Найдите в предложениях и выделите инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: To become a good specialist one must work hard. Чтобы стать хорошим специалистом, нужно усердно работать.

1. You must do this exercise without a dictionary.

2. I am so glad to have met her.

3. I asked to inform us as soon as there was any news.

4. To increase the productivity of our plant is our most important task.

5. In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to get to the place they needed.


Упражнение №9. Выберите подходящий по смыслу союз или союзное слово. Переведитепредложения на русский язык.

1. Our ideas about travel have changed completely….... Gotlif Daimler and Charles Benz built their first petrol engine in 1885. (where, if, since)

2. Some people say……. we live in the age of computers. (where, when, that)

3. Technology has advanced so quickly……. cars and televisions are out of date  only a few years after they were made.  (if, that, where)

4. The novel is so interesting ……..you’ll read it very fast. (that, since, so)

5. They were playing chess ……..somebody knocked at the door. (when, if, but)


Упражнение №10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использованные в них фразеологические единицы.

1. He worked 12 hours a day to get a living.

2. Hurry up not to miss the train.

3. They wanted to take part in tennis competitions.

4. You should work hard to pass examinations well.

5. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries.

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