ЮСИЭПИ, английский язык в сфере юриспруденции (контрольная работа)
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24.11.2015, 12:29

I вариант выполняют студенты с нечетным номером зачетной книжки, т.е. номер должен оканчиваться на 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

II вариант выполняют студенты с четным номером зачетной книжки, т.е. номер должен оканчиваться на 2, 4, 6, 8, и 0.

Variant 1

Task 1. Define grammar tense form in the following sentences.

1. People did not realize the importance of this problem a few years ago.

2. Only by the beginning of the 20th century the actual evidence of the strength of the British labour movement had appeared.

3. I think he has achieved great success in his studies.

4. Economic cooperation with foreign countries is gaining a growing importance now. 5. We shall discuss new aspects of privatization at the next seminar.

6. The laws of many European countries developed on the basis of Roman law.

7. In the modern times most rules of law have reflected general custom.

8. Continental or Roman law has developed in most of Continental Europe, Latin America and many countries in Asia and Africa.


Task 2. Translate into Russian and underline modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. Any British citizen from the age of 18 can be registered as an elector for the constituency. 

2. If a person is unable to vote because of his illness he may be allowed to vote by post.

3. To be a candidate a person needn’t live in the area.

4. Every householder must enter on the register of electors the names of all residents who can vote.

5. During the cold war Europe had to choose between another war or peaceful coexistence.

6. Each member of the General Assembly is to vote only once.


Task 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to modal verbs.

1. She could swim very well when she was young.

2. Alec may come to Moscow in summer.

3. You needn’t do it just now.

4. They will have to hurry not to be late for the concert.

5. We didn’t have to take a taxi, because we got to the station in time by bus.

6. Will you be able to go to the south next summer?

7. You shouldn’t smoke so much if you feel bad.

8. The secretary has done everything, she may go home.


Task 4. Translate into English.

1. Я думаю, что смогу помочь вам в этом вопросе.

2. Он не мог хорошо говорить по-английски на эту тему в прошлом году.

3. Вам не следует надевать пальто. Сегодня довольно тепло.

4. Так как я должен был быть в суде ровно в 9, мне пришлось встать очень рано.

5. Самолет с представителями этой компании должен приземлиться в 9.30.

6. Должна ли я перевести этот юридический контракт сегодня? – Нет, не надо. Вы сможете сделать это завтра.


Task 5. Transfer sentences from active to passive voice.

1. The Parliament Act 1911 has restricted the life of the House of Commons.

2. Electoral law divides the United Kingdom into 650 constituencies.

3. Each constituency will elect a single member to the House of Commons.

4. The authorities allowed their electors to send votes by post.

5. The committee is still discussing the bill.

6. Has anybody explained the laws to him?


Task 6. Transfer sentences from passive to active voice.

1. The day before yesterday we were invited to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

2. The problem has been studied for three years, but they haven’t got any results.

3. The book will have been republished by the end of September by this company.

4. A lot of money was stolen from the shop last week.

5. By the middle of winter all important questions will have been studied by us.

6. Central Asia was explored by Livingstone in the 19th century.


Task 7. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. Each time he received the answer, “The matter will be discussed later”.

2. “The sitting is beginning its work”, the judge said.

3. “Will you agree with it?” she asked me.

4. At last we got a different reply, “We haven’t got these documents, they are not in our office”.

5. Mr. Johnson asked them “The project will be financed by several companies, won’t it?”

6. “Who can be nominated a candidate at the section?” they asked her.

7. He said to me “Please, let’s discuss an important question now.”

8. Ann was interested “Is voting compulsory or not?”

9. Students asked the teacher, “What does the expression “unwritten law” mean?”

10. He suggested “Come at 6 p.m. and arrange everything.”


Task 8. Underline the  infinitive in the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Witnesses for the prosecution may be cross-examined.

2. The House of Lords has no power to throw out a bill relating to money.
3. The defendant preferred to make a statement through his solicitor.

4. The object of punishment is to reform and educate the guilty person.

5. The judge must have discharged one of the jurors.

6. He went to Oxford to study law.

7. Nature has many sectors to be discovered yet.

8. The accident was so terrible that I don’t want to speak about it.


Task 9. Translate sentences with the constructions of non-finite forms of the verb into Russian.

1. A bill being signed by the Queen becomes an act of Parliament.

2. For the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal questions it must have a request from the General Assembly or the Security Council.

3. We expect him to conduct the defence.

4. They heard the plaintiff give evidence.

5. The arrest of the criminal is reported to have been affected.

6. Any state machine is known to reflect the interests of the ruling class.


Task 10. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1.  Capital crime                              a. преступление по страсти

2.  Common law crimes                   b. преступление против собственности

3.  Crime against humanity             c. деяния, преступные по своему характеру

4.  Crime against law of nation       d. преступное бездействие

5.  Crime against nature                  e. насильственное преступление

6.  Crime against property              f. преступление по общему праву

7.  Crime of omission                      g. преступление по международному праву

8.  Crime of passion                             h. преступление, наказуемое смертной казнью

9.  Crime of violence                       i. противоестественное преступление

10. Crimes mala in se (Lat.)            j. преступление против человечества


Task 11. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.

1. He (not to see) me as he (to read) when I (to come) into the room.

2. Helen (to learn) English at the institute. She (to learn) this language since last autumn.

3. Petrov (to leave) Moscow yet? – No, he (to be) still in Moscow.

4. What you (to do) here? – I (to wait) for my friend.

5. He (to sit) in the garden when the storm (to break) out.

6. When I called for my friend, his sister (to tell) me that he (to leave) half an hour before.

7. What you (to do) at 8 p.m. tomorrow? – I (to work) on my report.

8. It (to be) very dangerous to drive when it (to be) so slippery.


Task 12. Translate into English.

1. Я еще буду работать, когда вы вернетесь.

2. Что вы переводите? – Юридическую статью. – Как долго вы ее переводите? – Уже час.

3. Секретарь еще не напечатала всех писем, когда я пришел.

4. Она порезала палец, когда резала хлеб.

5. Я шел уже около двух часов, когда, наконец, увидел маленький домик недалеко от реки.

6. Закройте окно. Идет дождь, и стало очень холодно.

7. Я напишу вам после того, как поговорю с ним по этому делу.

8. Твоя мама уже вернулась с работы? Я хочу поговорить с ней. – Еще нет, но она придет домой через час.

9. Сколько дней ты работаешь над своим докладом? – Я пишу его уже 5 дней, но

еще не закончил.

10. Наконец-то я нашла свои перчатки! Все утро я искала их.


Task 13. Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives and verbs and translate them into Russian.

E.g. Financial loss, report, statistics, newspaper. – Финансовые потери, доклад, статистические данные, газета.

1. Confidential advice, ………………….…..….

2. Organised crime, …………………….….…..

3. Complex fraud, …………………….………..

4. To meet standards, …….……………..……..

5. To number documents, …….….……….……

6. To issue documents, ………….…….….……

7. To involve fraud, …………….………….…..

8. To commit a decision, ……….……..….……


Task 14. Translate the following  text into English.


The judge is the presiding officer of the court. The statutory basis for the appointment of judges dates from the Act of Settlement 17001.

Judges are not themselves a separate profession: they are barristers who have been elevated to the bench2, itself a name derived from the part of the Court where they sit.

The judge decides the interpretation of the law. After all the evidence has been given the judge summarizes the case, both law and facts, for the jury. This is called his summing up.

Judges cannot be removed from office on account of political considerations – the independence of the judiciary is, at least theoretically, guaranteed.

The professional judges, «High Court Judges», deal with the most serious crimes. They are paid salaries by the state. Alongside with professional judges there are unpaid judges. They are called «Magistrates» or «Justices of the Peace» (JPs)3. They are ordinary citizens who are selected not because they have any legal training but because they have «sound common sense4» and understanding of their fellow human beings. They give up their time voluntarily.

Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district. Nobody, not even the Magistrates themselves, knows who is on the special committee in their area. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from different professions and social classes.

The work of the Magistrates’ Courts5 throughout the country depends on the unpaid services of JPs.

1 Act of Settlement – Акт о престолонаследии (облек Ганноверскую династию правом престолонаследия, закрепив английский престол за протестантами).
2 ... be elevated to the bench – возвысить до положения судьи (букв. скамья,
используется в собирательном смысле по отношению к судьям или магистратам в суде).

3 Magistrate, Justice of the Peace (JP) – судья, мировой судья.
4 «Sound common sense» – (зд.) чувство здравого смысла.

5 Magistrates’ Court – суд магистратов, мировой суд (рассматривает дела о мелких преступлениях).


Task 15. Answer the following questions above the text.

 1. Are judges themselves a separate profession?

2. What is judge’s summing up?

3. What do judges deal with?

4. Are magistrates paid salaries?

5. Who are magistrates selected by?

6. What does the work of Magistrates’ Courts depend on? 


Вариант II

Task 1. Define grammar tense form in the following sentences.

1. In the seventh century B.C. the Greeks began to put their laws into writing.

2. The laws of many European countries were developing on the basis of Roman law.

3. In the first year you will study Roman law as it is the basis on the laws of most European countries.

4. The Napoleon Code has influenced the laws of many countries in America.

5. The institute of jury still exists in many countries. By the eleventh century many European countries had begun to use Roman law in their courts.

6. Common law was developing gradually throughout the history.

7. Continental systems of law have resulted from the attempts of governments to produce a set of codes.

8. The lawmakers wanted to show that legal rules of their citizens originated in the state, not in local custom.


Task 2. Translate into Russian and underline modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. A broad democratic alliance must be built.

2. The sitting is to take place in 10 Downing Street.

3. They should participate in the movement aiming to bring about fundamental change.

4. Liberals couldn’t prevent the establishment of the Labour party.

5. Each constituency is able to elect only one member to Parliament.

6. It was his day off, so he didn’t have to be at work, but he had to do a lot at home.


Task 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to modal verbs.

1. He could read English books after he had studied the language for a year.

2. You may come here at any time.

3. They needn’t go there tomorrow.

4. I’ll have to get off at the next stop to do some shopping.

5. We will be able to go on an excursion the day after tomorrow.

6. I am thinking hard, trying to find a solution of the situation. There must be a way out.

7. May I have another cup of coffee?

8. The train is to arrive at 9 sharp.


Task 4. Translate into English.

1. Тебе пришлось остаться дома вчера, т.к. была плохая погода?

2. Вы можете взять любую книгу, какую хотите.

3. Должна ли я принести эту книгу завтра? – Нет, не надо.

4. Ей следует обязательно показать это письмо своим родителям.

5. Когда он приехал в Лондон, он мог вести переговоры без переводчика.

6. Они не смогли обсудить этот вопрос вчера. Им придется сделать это завтра.


Task 5. Transfer sentences from active to passive voice.

1. The porter will bring your luggage to your room.

2. You may leave your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs.

3. From the station we will take them straight to the hotel.

4. At the station a man from the travel bureau will meet her.

5. She will meet us in the hall upstairs.

6. Has the secretary typed the letters? – No, she is typing them now.  


Task 6. Transfer sentences from passive to active voice.

1. The laws are interpreted by the courts.

2. The lawmakers were influenced by the model of the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church.

3. Laws had been put into writing by Greeks be the 16th century D.C.

4. In a civil case a verdict was given by a jury.

5. Don’t worry. Speeches are being prepared by professional speech-writers.

6. The law of the world has been influenced by Roman law.


Task 7. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. She asked me, “What are the two main types of sources of law?”

2. “Do customs still create new laws?”, they asked the professor.

3. I suggested, “Let’s have a short break and drink coffee.”

4. I asked him, “What conditions must customs satisfy?”

5. We asked, “Which body has more power: Parliament or the Government?”

6. “In what courts does a solicitor have the right to speak?” they asked him.

7. She said to him, “Don’t touch these documents.”

8. He said, “How can I get to the Court?”

9. His chief asked, “Who has read all materials connected with this matter?”

10. “Please, can you do it not so loud, Kate,” said Johnny to her.


Task 8. Underline the  infinitive in the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. To grant pardon is the prerogative of the Crown.

2. They must have been arrested over a year ago.

3. The victim is the first person to be interviewed.

4. He seems to be investigating a criminal case.

5. A student must pass a group of examinations to obtain a law degree.

6. The aim of the preliminary investigation is to draw up an indictment.

7. To be instructed by such a good specialist was a great advantage.

8. Which is more pleasant: to give presents or to be given presents?


Task 9. Translate sentences with the constructions of non-finite forms of the verb into Russian.

1. The lower chamber having passed the bill, it went to the upper chamber.

2. For any state to become a member of the United Nations it is necessary to accept the obligations under its Chapter.

3. They want the execution of the sentenced to be postponed.

4. Nobody expected her to testify against her brother.

5. The Queen’s Counsels are expected to appear only in the most important cases.

6. He was reported to be preparing an account of the indictment.


Task 10. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1. Crimes mala prohibita (lat.)       a. случайный преступник

2. Felony                                        b. проступок, мисдиминор, судебно

                                                       наказуемый проступок (категория наименее

                                                       опасных преступлений, граничащих с

                                                       административными правонарушениями)

3. Infamous crime                           c. организованное преступление

4. Misdemeanour                            d. «Беловоротничковое преступление»

                                                                (преступная махинация, совершенная служащим

                                                        или лицом, занимающим высокое

                                                        общественное положение)

5. Organized crime                          e. преступление по статутному праву

6. Quasi crimes                               f. бесчестящее, позорящее преступление

7. Statutory crime                           g. квазипреступления (как будто)

8. White-collar crime                      h. уголовное преступление (категория тяжких

                                                       преступлений, по степени опасности,

                                                        находящаяся между государственной изменой

                                                       и мисдиминором)

9. Accidental criminal                     i. деяния, преступные в силу запрещенности


10. Accused criminal                      j. преступник, обвиняемый в совершении

                                                      данного преступления


Task  11. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.

1. Before he (to enter) the institute, he (to work) at a plant.

2. We (to walk) for about two hours when at last we saw the lake.

3. You (to read) that book yet? – No, I only just (to begin).

4. They are busy now. They (to discuss) an important matter. They (to discuss) it for three hours.

5. The train couldn’t stop because it (to travel) too fast at the time.

6. When the delegation (to arrive) in Moscow?  – It (to arrive) yesterday.

7. Tomorrow at 10 a.m. we (to receive) French businessmen.

8. Hardly he (to open) the suitcase, when he (to find) the tie which he (to think) he (to lose) long before.


Task  12. Translate into English.

1. Вчера я купил часы, т.к. потерял свои старые.

2. Мы знаем друг друга с тех пор, как я приехал в этот город.

3. Она будет обедать после того, как распакует свои вещи.

4. Когда я пришел в офис, секретарь как раз печатала письма, которые я ей дал накануне.

5. Они уже два года изучали английский язык, когда начали изучать китайский.

6. Не приходите завтра: он будет занят. Он будет работать весь день завтра.

7. Анна берет уроки музыки с прошлого года.

8. Если пойдет дождь и погода будет ветреной, моя бабушка будет плохо себя чувствовать.

9.  Где ты был вчера? Я приходил к тебе в 5, но никого не было дома. – Я работал вчера в библиотеке с 3 до 6 вечера.

10. Он уже полчаса пытается найти своего сына. Я думаю, что мальчик где-то спрятался.


Task 13. Add as many nouns as possible to the following adjectives and verbs and translate them into Russian.

E.g. Financial loss, report, statistics, newspaper. – Финансовые потери, доклад, статистические данные, газета.

1. Sophisticated equipment, …………………………..

2. Criminal groups, …………………………..………

3. Financial institution, …………………….………..

4. To report transactions, ……………………………

5. To pose a problem, ……………………………….

6. To constitute a target, …………………………….

7. To transfer funds, …………………..……………..

8. To disclose the names, ………………..…………..


Task 14. Translate the following text into English.

Barristers and Solicitors

Most barristers are professional advocates earning their living by the presentation of civil and criminal cases in court. A barrister must be capable of prosecuting in a criminal case one day, and defending an accused person the next, or of preparing pleadings and taking the case for a plaintiff in a civil action one day, and doing the same for a defendant the next. Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the law. They are called in to advise on really difficult points.

A would-be barrister1 must first register as a student
member of one of the four Inns of Court2. A student must pass a
group of examinations to obtain a law degree and then proceed to
a vocational course, the passing of which will result in his being
called to the Bar3.

All practicing barristers are junior counsels unless they have
been designated Queen’s Counsels (QC)4. QC is expected to appear
only in the most important cases.

If a person has a legal problem he will go and see a solicitor.
There is no end to the variety of matters which a solicitor deals with. He does legal work involved in buying a house, he writes legal letters for you and carries on legal arguments outside Court, he prepares the case and the evidence. If you want to make a will the best man to advise you is a solicitor.

In a civil action solicitors have a right to speak in the Country Court, when the case is one of divorce or recovering some debts, and they deal with petty crimes and some matrimonial matters in Magistrates Courts, the lowest Courts.

To become a solicitor a young man joins a solicitor as a «clerk» and works for him while studying part time for the Law Society5 exams. When you have passed all the necessary exams, you may apply to the Law Society to be «admitted». After that you can practice, which means you can start business on your own.

1 would-be barrister – будущий барристер.
Inns of Court – «Судебные инны» (четыре корпорации барристеров в Лондоне; пользуются исключительным правом приема в адвокатуру; в школах при этих корпорациях готовят барристеров; существуют с ХIV в.) 
to be called to the Bar – быть принятым в коллегию адвокатов.
4 Queen’s Counsel (QC) – королевский адвокат (высшее адвокатское звание).
5 Law Society – Общество юристов (профессиональный союз солиситоров).

Task 15. Answer the following questions above the text.

1. What must a barrister be capable of?

2. What must a person do to become a barrister?

3. When can a barrister be called to the Bar?

4. What matters does a solicitor deal with?

5. In what courts does a solicitor have the right to speak? 

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