КамчатГТУ, английский язык (контрольные работы, 2012 год)
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19.09.2014, 22:07

Контрольная работа №1

Контрольная работа №1 предназначена для студентов 1 курса, контрольная работа №2 предназначена для студентов 2 курса. Каждая  контрольная работа состоит из 5 вариантов. Последняя цифра зачетной книжки указывает, какой вариант следует выполнить:

Последняя цифра

зачетной книжки

Номер варианта





















Вариант 1

Задание 1. Составить предложение из следующих слов. Перевести.

1. Writes, letters, in the evening, my, to the customers, manager.

2. Not, manager, at 7, does, finish, sometimes, his work.

3. At 5, the economist, does not, work, finish, his.

4. Stay, we, at home, often, in the evening.

5. Usually, after lunch, children, television, my, watch.

Задание 2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

1. I came to the office at 9.

2. I read telexes and write letters in the morning.

3. Yes, sometimes I meet customers from different companies.

4. I have lunch at 2.

5. I finish my work at 6.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения, выпишите глаголы, укажите время.

Now you see Voronin in his office at the Russian Trade Delegation in Highgate. It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon. He is looking through the mail. He usually receives much mail, but today he has got few letters and telexes on his desk.. He is reading a letter. It is an enquiry for chemical equipment from his company. Voronin knows “Blake and Co”are selling a new model of his equipment.

Задание 4. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени и переведите.

1.  What the children ( to do) now?

2.  They ( to listen) to BBC English lesson.

3.  They always ( to listen) to BBC English lesson at 3 in the afternoon.

Задание 5. The Present Perfect Tense. Задайте вопрос и ответьте по образцу, переведите.

ОбразецHave you Discussed the terms of payment and delivery yet?

We’ve already discussed the terms of payment but haven’t discussed the terms of delivery yet.


1.  To look through the latest catalogues and quotations of Bill and Co.

2.  To read the latest newspapers and magazines.

3.  To receive letters from White and Co and Bill and Co.

4.  To make contracts with Smith and Co and Brown and Co.

5.  To be in Leningrad and Kiev.

Задание 6. The Past Simple Tense. Выполните упражнения по образцу, переведите.

ОбразецLavrov lives in Moscow now.

Yes, now he lives in Moscow, but some years AGO he lived in London.


1.  To learn English

2.  To produce machines Model A

3.  To sell machines Model A

Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1.  Два инженера нашей фирмы принимают господина Блейка, а другие инжененры просматривают почту.

2.  Я только что написала два телекса, один телекс здесь, а где другой?

3.  Смирнов работает на нашей фирме. В прошлом месяце он вместе с другими инженерами своей фирмы ездил в Англию обсуждать деловые вопросы. 

Задание 8. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени и переведите.

1.  If Blake and Co ( buy) 100 machines we ( to give) them a 5% discount.

2.  We ( speak) about the terms of payment when we ( discuss) the prices.

3.  When the office director ( come) back I ( tell) him about Blake and Co’s offer.

4.  Lavrov ( spend) his holiday at the Baltic coast if he ( have) his holiday in August.

Задание 9. Переведите текст с английского языка на русский.

There is no place like home

Many English families have got their own houses, but some people live in the flats. There are two floors in the traditional English house: the ground floor and the first floor. People in England like their homes and always show them to their visitors.

Mr. Dunn, a British businessman, often comes to the Soviet Trade Delegation and he knows Voronin very well. One Saturday he invites Voronin and some engineers to this place to spend an evening with his family.

Mr. Dunn’s family lives in a small house with a garden. There is a sitting – room and a study downstairs. The kitchen is downstairs too. The sitting – room is a large and sunny. There is a sofa, two armchairs and a TV – set here. The nice carpet on the floor makes the room comfortable.

The study is a small room with bookshelves on the walls. Upstairs there are two bedrooms and a bathroom.

The Dunns love their house and think: “There is no place like home.”

Задание 10. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.    What is the traditional English house?

2.    What is Mr. Dunn?

3.    In what kind of house does Mr. Dunn’s family live?

4.    How many rooms are there downstairs?

5.    Do the Dunns love their house and why?


Вариант 2

Задание 1. Составить предложения из следующих слов, перевести.

1.  in the morning, the manager, meets, at 11 o clock, customers, usually.

2.  Lunch, at 4, you, do, always, have?

3.  To the customers, in the evening, write, does not, my friend, letters.

4.  Meets, often, friends, at weekends, he.

5.  Sometimes, at home, they, meet, in the evenings, their friends.

Задание 2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы.

1.  Yes, our engineers learn foreign languages.

2.  We read books and watch television in the evening.

3.  No, my sitting – room is not very large.

4.  Yes, we often stay at home in the evening.

5.  I haven’t got a three – room flat.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения, выпишите глаголы, укажите время.

It is 5.25 in the afternoon Voronin finished his work. He usually comes home at 6 o’clock in the evening. He likes to be at home in the evening together with his family. They usually watch TV or read newspapers and journals. Now you see Voronin and his family in their comfortable sitting – room. Voronin is sitting in an armchair and is reading a newspaper. He is interested in the latest events of the day. His wife is sitting on the sofa. She is not reading. She is watching TV. She seldom watches TV in the day – time. She has got much work to do at home.

Задание 4. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени, переведите.

1.  ( to be) Mrs. Bell in the garden?

2.  Yes, she ( to show) it to her friend. Her garden ( to be) very nice and she ( to like) to show it to her friends.

Задание 5. Задайте вопрос по образцу, используя The Present Perfect Tense.

Образец:  - Has Mr.Blake EVER BEEN to Moscow?

- No, he HAS NEVER BEEN to Moscow.

- He would like to go there.


1.  To do business with G.M.L.

2.  To sell goods to Brown & Co.

3.  To make contracts with Smith & Co.

4.  To go to Chekhov’s house in Yalta.

Задание 6. Выполните упражнения по образцу, переведите, используя The Past Simple Tense.


- Lavrov LIVES in Moscow.

- Yes, he LIVES in Moscow but some yeras AGO he LIVED in London.


1.  To buy chemical equipment from Green & Sons.

2.  To work at a plant

3.  To live in a new district of Moscow.

Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1.  – Сколько времени этот фильм идет в нашем кинотеатре? – Он идет с прошлой недели.

2.  – Наше объединение продает машины, телефонное оборудование и другие товары в различные страны.

3.  – Давайте посмотрим новый детектив. – Я уже видел его. Мне бы хотелось посмотреть какой – нибудь другой фильм.

Задание 8. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени, переведите.

1.  We ( reserve) accommodation at a hotel if the representative of Blake & Co ( come) next week.

2.  The delegates ( stay) at the Intourist hotel when they ( arrive) in our town.

3.  Our manager ( invite) foreign businessmen to the plant if they ( like) to visit it.

4.  We ( go) to the country if the weather ( be) better.

Задание 9. Переведите текст с английского на русский.

All people know the name of Charlie Chaplin, a popular American actor.

He was born in 1989 in London. His father and mother were actors. He had an elder brother. His name was Sidney. Charlie Chaplin spent his early years in England. At eight he was already an actor. In 1913 he came to America and started working for the cinema. In all his films Chaplin played the part of “a man of the people.” The last 25 years Chaplin lived in Switzerland. He had a large family: his wife, five sons and five daughters. He died on the 25 th December in 1977 when he was 88 years old.

Задание 10. Ответить на вопросы.

1.  What is Charlie Chaplin?

2.  Where did Charlie Chaplin spend his early years?

3.  What part did Charlie Chaplin play all his life?

4.  Was his family large?

5.  Where did Charlie Chaplin live his last years?


Вариант 3

Задание 1. Не согласитесь с мнением собеседника.

Модель: Ann is an engineer.

No, she isn’t an engineer.

She is a secretary.

1.  Peter is a bank manager ( an economist);

2.  Mr. Bell is the office manager ( a company manager);

3.  Lavrov is an economist ( an engineer);

4.  Ann is an economist ( a doctor);

5.  Ann and Nancy are engineers ( teachers);

6.  Tom and Dick are economists ( students).

Задание 2. Write questions to the words in bold type.

1.  I work at the Ministry of Trade.

2.  We sell many goods to different companies.

3.  We receive foreign businessmen every day. Today after 2 o’clock we are going to meet Mr. Clark, the manager of GML.

4.  Sometimes we go to plants with our inspectors.

5.  After lunch I usually look through catalogues and quotations or meet customers.

6.  Our engineers finish their work at 6 o’clock in the evening.

Задание 3. Choose the correct pronouns.

1.  Mr. Lavrov comes to ( his, him) English lessons at 8 o’clock in the morning.

2.  Where is ( your, you) pen? – It’s on ( my, me) table.

3.  ( Our, us) engineers learn English. They want to speak ( its, it) well.

4.  ( Our, us) office manager often meets foreign businessmen and discusses prices for different goods with ( their, them).

5.  Come and meet ( my, me) family at the weekend.

Задание 4. Choose and use. ( because, that’s why)

1.  I didn’t go to the cinema the day before yesterday ……I was very busy.

2.  Last night I watched a very interesting detective film on television ….I didn’t write a letter to my friend.

3.  The talks were very difficult …. I’m a bit tired.

4.  I often spend my holiday on the coast of the Black Sea …. The weather is hot and dry there in summer.

5.  I like the actor who plays the part of Hamlet … I’d like to go and see the film again.

6.  I don’t recommend you to see this film … it’s not so interesting as the novel.

Задание 5. Translate into English:

1.  Господин Савин умеет говорить по – английски, но он не умеет говорить по – французски. Он считает ( думает), что он должен изучить французский язык, чтобы вести переговоры на этом языке.

2.  Вчера мы получили письмо от английской фирмы. Мне нужно перевести его? – Нет, не нужно. Я уже перевел его.

3.  – Можно мне посмотреть эти каталоги? – Нет. Я должен показать их нашему директору. Вы можете взять их только после обеда.

4.  – Можно мне открыть окно? – Нет, сегодня холодно и сыро.

Задание 6. Ask and answer as in the model.

-  Have you discussed any business matters this week?

-  Yes, I have. ( No, I haven’t).

Prompts: 1. to receive businessmen from England; 2. to show the new equipment to the French businessmen; 3. to translate the business letters; 4. to have talks with White & Co; 5. to have an English lesson; 6. to fax a contract to Brown & Co.

Задание 7. Translate the following sentences.

1.  Где господин Лавров? – Он занят. У него сейчас переговоры.

2.  Я обычно просматриваю почту утром.

3.  Какой вопрос вы сейчас обсуждаете? – Мы обсуждаем условия платежа.

4.  Наш директор принимает сейчас представителей английской фирмы.

5.  Наши инженеры иногда обсуждают деловые вопросы по телефону.

6.  Мы не назначаем встреч с иностранными представителями на субботу. В субботу мы не работаем.

7.  Господин Петров в конторе. Он просматривает предложение английской фирмы на телефонное оборудование.

8.  Каждый день мы получаем много почты.

Задание 8.  Translate the words in brackets; write the sentences.

1.  I’d like to read ( другую) book.

2.  There are some ( другие) catalogues on my desk.

3.  We are interested in buying coffee, tea and ( другие) goods.

4.  I’ve got two children. The elder child is 8 and ( другой) child is 6.

Задание 9. Translate the following sentences:

1.  Как только ты закончишь работу, мы пойдем в кино.

2.  Анна не ляжет спать, пока дети не вернутся из кинотеатра.

3.  Мы свяжемся с фирмой, после того как тщательно изучим ее предложение.

4.  Если не будет дождя, мы пойдем осматривать достопримечательности города.

5.  Я закажу номер в гостинице, прежде чем поеду в командировку.

Задание 10. Read and translate the text. Retell the text.


a driver –  водитель

A war - война

A cartoon – мультфильм

Quality – качество

Walt Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago. His father was Irish – Canadian and his mother was German – American. He went to High School and left it at 17 to become a driver in the First World War. In 1923 he went to Hollywood and started working on cartoon films, documentaries and feature films for children. In 1955 Disneyland was opened in California and in 1971 – Disney World in Florida. He died in 1966 when he was 65. His films are still on in many cinemas and because of their timeless quality are popular with people of all ages.


Вариант 4

Задание 1. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями. Предложения запишите.

1.  Mr. Bell is a company manager.

2.  Mr. Lavrov is in London now.

3.  Is Nancy a nice woman?

4.  Mr. Stepanov and Mr. Ivanov are economists.

5.  The telephones are on the desks.

6.  The file is on the desk.

7.  How are your children? – Very well, thank you.

Задание 2. Use the correct tense – forms.

1.  Planes for London ( to leave) from Sheremetyevo Airport.

2.  - When the plane ( to leave)?

-      The plane ( to take off) in ten minutes.

3.  Last year we ( to spend) our holiday in Sochi. The weather ( to be) fine.

We ( to swim) and ( to sunbathe) a lot.

4.  – How long you ( not to see) Mr. Bell?

-      I ( not to see) him since last year.

Задание 3. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

A plant …. Omsk has started producing new motors. The goods are …. high quality and meet the requirements …. the customers  …..Rossexport. A lot .. foreign companies are interested ….. buying Russian Motors and Rossexport has already received a lot …. orders …. them. The other day Rossexport received an enquiry ….. the motors …..Johnson & Sons. They wanted to buy 60 motors …. the Russian company. Rossexport was interested …. selling their goods …. Johnson & Sons and they were going to invite Mr. Garsell, the manager … the company, to come … Moscow to have talks. 

b) Say what you have learned from the text about:

1) the new motors; 2) Johnson & Sons’ enquiry.

Задание 4.  Chose and use. ( to say, to tell, to speak)

1.  What did you …? I can’t hear you.

2.   …. us about your holiday. Did you have a good time?

3.  How many languages do you ….?

4.  She … good – bye and left.

5.  I ….to the company manager on the phone yesterday.

6.   ….. the manager that Mr Lauson phoned him 10 minutes ago.

7.  What did the president … about at the conference?

8.  Does your director … good English?

9.  Don’t …. Anybody what I ….. . It’s a secret between us.

10.     I didn’t want to delay Sue so I …. Her not to wait for me. 

Задание 5. Supply modal verbs or equivalents in the correct tense – forms.

1.  We ( to be, to go) to the plant with Mr. Brown this Monday, but he ( not to arrive) in Moscow yet. We ( to have, to go) to the plant next week.

2.  There is no stop near this building, you ( to have, to get off) at the next stop.

3.  If you don’t leave now, you ( not to be able to come) to the concert on time.

4.  If Mike ( to be, to go) on holiday on Monday, he ( to be able, to make) all the purchases on Saturday.

Задание 6. Ask and answer as in the model.

a)  - What matters has Voronin discussed lately?

-      He has discussed terms of payment and delivery.

Prompts: 1. to see films; 2. to look through journals; 3. to be to cities; 4. o read books; 5. to sell goods.

Задание 7. Translate the following sentences.

1.  В прошлом месяце мой друг получил квартиру в новом районе.

2.  На днях мы получили запрос на офисное оборудование.

3.Три месяца тому назад м – р Уолтон посетил Москву и встретился с бизнесменами нескольких фирм.

4. Вчера я очень устал, так как у меня было много работы.

5. На прошлой неделе наши инженеры поехали на завод, чтобы посмотреть оборудование.

Задание 8. Translate the words in brackets; write the sentences.

1.  I like detective, historical and ( другие) films.

2.  There are 10 engineers in our office. Two engineers know French and ( остальные) ones know English.

3.  There are two carpets in my flat. One carpet is in the sitting – room and ( другой) carpet is in the bedroom.

4.  I don’t like this book. Could you show me ( другую) one.

Задание 9. Translate the following sentences:

1.  Как только ты закончишь работу, мы пойдем в кино.

2.  Анна не ляжет спать, пока дети не вернутся из кинотеатра.

3.  Мы свяжемся с фирмой, после того как тщательно изучим ее предложение.

4.  Если не будет дождя, мы пойдем осматривать достопримечательности города.

5.  Я закажу номер в гостинице, прежде чем поеду в командировку.

Задание 10. Read the text with a dictionary and translate.

a)  Sam Walton is a very rich person. He has 13.3 billion dollars. He owns American supermarkets “Wall – Mart.”

He was born in 1918 in a family which was not rich. He studied economy and wanted to have his own business. So, he took a risk and opened shops in small American towns which sold cheap products. Now there are 1,300 “Wall – Mart” shops in 26 states.

Walton is rich, but he lives in a small town, drives an old car and works very much.

He seldom has a holiday. When he last had a holiday, he went to South America and studied the system of trade there.

b) Answer the questions:

1.  What kind of business did Sam Walton do?

2.  Did he do good business?

3.  What kind of family was he born into and when?

4.  Why did he study economy?

5.  How did he start his business?

6.  How many “Wal – Mart” shops are there in the USA now?

7.  Where does he live?

8.  Does he have a new car?

9.  Why does he work very much?

10.  Does he often or seldom have a holiday?

11.  How did he spend his last holiday?


Вариант 5

Задание 1. Задайте письменно вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

1.  I am well, thank you.

2.  No, my husband is not in London now.

3.  This woman is an economist.

4.  Yes, those are my children.

5.  The offers are on the desk.

6.  Yes, that is a picture of my family.

7.  He is from France.

Задание 2. Use the correct tense – forms.

1.  The plant ( to be going) to produce a new model of compressors.

We hope that the model ( to be) in great demand.

2.  I just ( to look through) the morning mail and now I ( to be going) to write some letters.

3.  The English seaside ( to become) very popular lately.

4.  – Where is Mr. Brown now?

-  He (to clarify) some business matters with the customers.

Задание 3. a) Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1.  – Will the train arrive … time or will there be a delay?

-      The train will arrive … a delay … 40 minutes.

2.  The charge …. a room …. this hotel is not very high.

3.  – What are you doing here?

-  I’m waiting …. the director. I’d like to speak …. him … the offer of Blake & Co.

Remember: a non – stop flight – беспосадочный полет

Mr. Cane is speaking ….. the clerk … the Travel Agency … the phone.

Clerk: Travel Agency. Good morning.

Cane: God morning. My name is Henry Cane. I’d like to make a reservation  …a flight … Dublin … the 6 th … April.

Clerk: Just a moment, please. Now, there’s a non – stop flight … Dublin … the 6 th. It leaves … Dublin 10 o’clock … the morning.

Cane: What time does it arrive …. Dublin?

Clerk:  …. 1.20 ….. the afternoon. Will that be convenient ….. you?

Cane: That sounds good. Will you make a reservation …. me …… that flight?

Clerk: All right, Mr. Cane, please come and collect your ticket a couple … days …. advance.

Cane: I’ll do that. Thank you.

Clerk: You are welcome.

b)Say what you have learned from the dialogue about:

1.  A reservation Mr. Cane wanted to make; 2. the flight for which the clerk made a reservation for him.

Задание 4. Supply who or which and write down the sentences.

1.  Last week we bought a new TV – set … receives a lot of programs.

2.  The fire – place … is in Mr. Bell’s study makes the room warm and comfortable.

3.  Yesterday “Rossexport” received some British businessmen …are interested in our goods.

4.  The engineer … is looking through this magazine is Lavrov’s good friend.

5.  The woman … is speaking on the phone is our new secretary.

Задание 5. Supply modal verbs or equivalents in the correct tense – forms.

1.  If we ( can, to go) shopping at eleven tomorrow we ( to be able, to make) all the purchases by lunch time.

2.  If May ( to have, to go) to the supermarket in the afternoon she (not to be able, to go) to the cinema with us.

3.  ‘If my husband ( not to have, to stay) late at the office today we ( to be able, to call) at the Central Department Store.

4.  When the Sellers ( to be, to deliver) the goods?

Задание 6. Ask and answer as in the model.

c)  – Why haven’t you gone to the plant yet?

-      Because I’ve got some matters to discuss with the Director.

Prompts: 1. to look through the mail; 2. to make an appointment with Mr. Blake; 3. to type these letters; 4. to make a contract with Bell & Co; 5. to begin the talks; 6. to spend the weekend with friends.

Задание 7. Translate the following sentences.

1.  Где господин Лавров? – Он занят. У него сейчас переговоры.

2.  Я обычно просматриваю почту утром.

3.  Какой вопрос вы сейчас обсуждаете? – Мы обсуждаем условия платежа.

4.  Наш директор принимает сейчас представителей английской фирмы.

Задание 8. Supply the correct words.

1.  ( a few days) I’m going to London.

2.  The plane took off at 12 o’clock and it landed at Heathrow Airport ( four hours).

3.  My friend arrived in New York on Friday and ( two days) he phoned Mr. Brown.

4.  I’m going on holiday ( a month).

5.  The Seller and the Buyer discussed the terms of the contract on Monday and ( a week) they signed it.

6.  We shall deliver the goods to the Buyers ( month).

Задание 9. Translate into English.

1.  Когда дождь перестанет, пусть дети пойдут в парк.

2.  Пошел дождь. Давайте останемся дома.

3.  Я думаю, что будет холоднее, когда снег прекратиться.

4.  – Дождь все еще идет? – Нет, дождь уже перестал.

5.   – Дождь прошел? – Нет, все еще идет.

6.  Вчера в шесть часов пошел сильный снег, и мы остались дома.

Задание 10.  Read and translate the text.


to travel by air – путешествовать самолетом

Noisy – шумный

Dangerous – опасный

Animal – центр содержания животных

Heathrow is a very busy international airport. It opened on 1 January 1946. At that time it was small and there weren’t any buildings, just tents for the passengers. Plane tickets were very expensive and only rich people could travel by air. The planes were small, uncomfortable, noisy and sometimes dangerous.

Now Heathrow is a very large and modern place. It has got many hotels, banks, shops, a hospital, two underground stations, a bus station, post offices, cafes and an animal center. Fifty – four thousand people work there. At the airport’s duty – free shops the passengers can buy spirits, cigarettes and other goods. At Heathrow planes can’t take off or land between 11.00 in the afternoon and 7.00 in the morning, but the airport stays open. It’s a city that never sleeps.

b) Speak about the history of Heathrow.

c)  Say what kind of place Heathrow is at present.


Контрольная работа № 2  

Вариант 1

Задание 1. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

1.  I often have to write letters to foreign countries.

2.  I couldn’t go to the cinema because I had to complete my work.

3.  He’ll have to go on business to England next week.

4.  Mr. Blake was to come at 10, but he is late a little.

5.  The plane is to arrive in London in 2 hours.

6.  My assistant was to show Mr. White some places of interest.

Задание 2. The Past Perfect Tense. Спросите и ответьте на вопрос по образцу, переведите.

Образец A

-      When DID you FINISH your work YESTERDAY?

-      I HAD FINISHED it BY 5 o’clock.


-      To complete the talks

-      To arrive at the airport

-      To come back from the plant

Образец B

-      DID you SEE Lavrov YESTERDAY?

-      No, I DIDN”T. When I CAME to the office he HAD already LEFT.


-      to go to the airport

-      to go to the plant with the inspectors

-      to go to the theatre with the British delegation

Задание 3. Passive Voice. Переведите предложения, подчеркните глагольную структуру.

1.  The  morning newspapers are usually delivered at 8.

2.  The TV set wasn’t actually bought it was rented.

3.  The contract will be signed next week.

4.  I think the manager hasn’t been delivered yet.

5.  The construction of the new hotel had been completed by last June.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя конструкцию страдательного залога ( Passive Voice).

1.  Вчера нам показали фильм о Джеймсе Бонде.

2.  Испытания машин обычно проводятся на заводе.

3.  Выставка будет организована в Ленинграде.

4.  Товар был поставлен фирме к концу прошлого года.

Задание 5. Participle 1, Participle 2. Перепишите, переведите на русский язык, подчеркните Participle 1, Participle 2.

1.  The exhibition showing the latest achievements in the field of hotel equipment is held every two years.

2.  They received the cable informing us of the arrival of the goods at our port.

3.  Signing the contract we stressed the importance of using this material.

4.  The Buyers couldn’t accept the price quoted in he latest price – list.

5.  The information received by yesterday’s mail is extremely interesting.

Задание 6. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя Participle 1, Participle 2.

1.  При посещении выставки мы обратили внимание на эту модель.

2.  Просматривая каталоги нашей фирмы мы решили, что эта модель отвечает нашим требованиям.

3.  Судно, зафрахтованное ( to charter) нами для транспортировки, уже прибыло в порт.

4.  Цена, назначенная вами, включает стоимость оборудования.

Задание 7. Present Conditional Tenses. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский, подчеркните глагольные структуры.

1.  If I had a bad headache I would use a medicine for headache.

2.  If I felt very tired I would have a rest.

3.  If I were a man I would be a businessman.

4.  In her place I would study English.

Задание 8. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме, употребляя Present Conditional Tenses, переведите.

1.  They ( to accept) the instruments if they ( to be) satisfied with the tests.

2.  If the ( to be) free to – day she ( not to hesitate) to join us.

Задание 9. Задайте все типы вопросов, переведите.

We would like to receive from the Buyers their quotations and the latest catalogues.

Задание 10. Переведите следующее коммерческое письмо.

Dear Sirs,

We enclose our new price – lists becoming valid on October 31 st. Would you please send us all future orders taking into consideration these new prices.

We shall take part in this year’s Hannover Fair ( 25 th April until 3 rd May) exhibiting a number of new products.

You will receive from us by separate mail literature and a Press Bulletin on this equipment, giving a full idea of this new line of our products.

We would appreciate it if you would pay us a personal visit on our stand or, if possible, here in London.

Awaiting your early reply,

We remain sincerely yours,

Brown and Co Ltd


Вариант 2

Задание 1. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

1.  Our company has to reserve accomodations for businessmen.

2.  She couldn’t go to the theatre with us because she had to look through the correspondence of her manager.

3.  I’ll have to leave the office earlier to meet my friend at the airport.

4.  We were to pick up Mr. Grey at the hotel.

5.  Mr. Bell will be able to meet you next week only.

6.  Our company will be able to deliver the goods only in a month.

Задание 2. The Past’ Perfect Tense. Спросите, ответьте по образцу, переведите.

Образец а

-      When DID you FINISH your work YESTERDAY?

-      I HAD FINISHED it BY 5 o’clock.


-      to ship goods to Bell & Co

-      to deliver the machines to the Buyers

-      to type the letters

Образец б

-      DID you SEE Lavrov YESTERDAY?

-      No, I didn’t. When I CAME to the office he HAD ALREADY LEFT.


-      to go to meet the representatives of the company

-      to start talks with Mr. Brown

Задание 3. Passive Voice. Переведите предложения, подчеркните глагольную структуру.

1.  The tickets to the theatre are usually booked by my father.

2.  At the airport I was asked to check in for the flight.

3.  The matter will be clarified by the Agent, in the nearest future.

4.  Many new hotels have been built in Leningrad lately.

5.  The commercial centre had been built by last year.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя конструкцию страдательного залога ( Passive Voice).

1.  Товар не был поставлен во время.

2.  Много сделок заключается нашей фирмой каждый год.

3.  Приемщики будут отправлены на завод покупателя.

4.  Телекс был отправлен к концу недели.

Задание 5. Participle I, Participle 2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык, подчеркните Participle I, Participle 2.

1.  We got in touch with the firm producing computers.

2.  Negotiating the conditions of purchase we informed the sellers that we needed the goods.

3.  We expect to receive all the materials ordered during the first half of the year.

4.  Some of the holidays celebrated in the USA originated in Europe.

5.  Going up in the lift I met an old friend of mine.

Задание 6. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя Participle I, Participles.

1.  Мы получили письмо от фирмы, поставляющей нам товар.

2.  Приемщик, осмотревший оборудование, сегодня уезжает.

3.  Оборудование, подготовленное к отправке, будет доставлено в срок.

4.  Турнир ( tournament), проходившей в Москве, был организован Спортивным Комитетом.

Задание 7. Present Conditional Tenses. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский, подчеркните глагольные структуры.

1.  I wouldn’t buy the suit if I found the price too high.

2.  He would go to the stadium if he wanted to watch a football match.

3.  If I were a businessman I would quote a new price for the goods.

4.  If the weather were good we would go to the beach.

Задание 8. Поставьте глаголы в нужной форме, употребляя Present Conditional Tenses, переведите предложения.

1.  I ( to be able) to do a much better job if I ( not to be) too tired now.

2.  If he ( go in for) sport he ( to join) us at the stadium, I am sure.

Задание 9. Задайте все типы вопросов, переведите.

Delivery will be required within two months after we place order.

Задание 10. Переведите следующее коммерческое письмо.


Dear Sirs,

In accordance with your request of June 5, …. and our previous discussions, we are happy to submit to you our offer for a colour tube manufacturing line. In making this quotation, our organization co – operated with many colour equipment experts.

In the attached details, you will find all the details of our proposal, prices, delivery terms and conditions.

We are ready to visit you in Moscow for negotiations and for the signing of the contract. At the same time, we would like to invite a term of Russian specialists to visit and inspect the equipment at the plant in the USA, prior to the signing of the contract.

Truly yours,

Brown & Co Inc


1.  colour tube manufacturing line – линия по производству кинескопов

2.  prior – до


Вариант 3

Задание 1. Ask and answer as in the model.

-      Does your company do good business?

-      Yes. Many contracts are signed by our company every year.

Prompts: 1. To place orders; 2. To receive enquiries; 3. To conclude transactions; 4. To receive offers; 5. To establish business contacts.

Задание 2. Translate into English:

1.  В сентябре в Дели, столице Индии, состоится международная выставка. Она расскажет посетителям о достижениях промышленности и сельского хозяйства и об успехах, которые достигнуты в различных странах мира в области науки и искусства.

2.  Мне необходимо связаться с фирмой “Браун энд К” как можно скорее.

Задание 3. Supply prepositions where necessary.

1.  How many companies will take part … the exhibition?

2.  I’d like to get … touch …. your Sales manager to negotiate some business matters.

3.  The exhibition was held … the motto: “Peace …. Economic cooperation.”

4.  International fairs and exhibitions pave the way … the consolidation …. peace … different countries.

Задание 4. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

1.  The power of the Queen of England ( to limit) by Parliament.

2.  – Who ( to control) the power of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet?

-      It ( to control) by Parliament.

3.  Lately our company ( to send) invitations to take part in the exhibition of electronic equipment which ( to hold) in London.

4.  It ( to give) me a lot of pleasure to read a very interesting book on the history of old Russian towns.

5.  Mr. Bell ( to appoint) manager of the company lately.

Задание 5. Choose the correct form of the infinitive. Write the sentences.

1.  You should ( discuss, have discussed) the matter in detail as soon as possible, if you are interested in buying their dishwashers.

2.  Why didn’t you buy that dress? You should ( buy, have bought) it. It looked nice on you.

Задание 6. Translate into English:

1.  Вам следует попросить господина Лаврова рассказать о Лондоне.

2.  Зачем вы поехали на метро? Вам следовало бы сесть на автобус.

3.  Письмо должно быть отправлено к 5 часам вечера.

Задание 7. Replace clauses in bold type by participial constructions where possible.

1.  The children who are singing and dancing on the stage are from the neighbouring community.

2.  The poster which attracted my attention advertised roadbuilding machinery.

Practise the use of Participle 2.

1.  We were pleased to receive from you the enquiries which were mentioned above.

2.  I was impressed by the technical knowledge which was shown by your specialists in Moscow.

Задание 8. Translate into English:

1.  Знакомясь с экспонатами этого стенда, специалисты нашей группы задали гиду много вопросов.

2.  Организуя различные выставки, Торгово – промышленная палата способствует развитию торговли.

3.  Оборудование, подготовленное к отправке, соответствует документам и будет отправлено в срок.

4.  Высылаем вам оборудования, изготовленное на нашем заводе.

Задание 9. Translate into English:

1.  Если бы у нас были билеты, мы бы пошли сегодня смотреть этот матч.

2.  Если бы сегодня была хорошая погода, мы бы искупались в море.

Задание 10. Write and translate the letter.


Dear Sirs,

In reply to your question during our meetings in September, I’ve the following information to give you:

Price: The maximum discount we can give is 10% from the price quoted on May 21 st, current year, which would make the selling price FOB for five units $ ….. . We believe this to be a very good price for Rossimport.

In the event that this price is unacceptable to Rossimport,  I’ve been instructed by the factory to offer you two units FOB free of charge for the purposes of testing. The rest of the three units would, however, have to be bought at the full quoted price. We will be pleased to help you with further questions. May I thank you for your time and for the friendly business – like atmosphere in which our talks were held.

I hope we can conclude our business successfully.

Yours faithfully,

Green & Co


Вариант 4

Задание 1. Ask and answer as in the model.

-      Have you signed the contract yet?

-      Yes, it was signed two days ago.

Prompts: 1. To fax a contract; 2. To make a reservation for the fight; 3. To reserve accommodation at the hotel; 4. To discuss the terms of the contract; 5. To establish business relations with French companies.

Задание 2. Translate into English:

1.  В этом году фирма собирается представить на мировой рынок новую модель компьютера.

2.  Концерты артистов Большого театра всегда пользуются большим успехом.

3.  Картины молодого художника привлекли внимание многих посетителей выставки.

Задание 3. Choose and use.

1.  You have made a lot of … in English since you began to study it.

2.  I didn’t like the new comedy. It wasn’t ….. .

3.  This ballerina is …. in all performances.

4.  “Peace and …. to all nations” was the motto of the exhibition which was held at the International Trade Centre in Moscow. The exhibition was … .

5.  The exhibits on display showed the … which was made by different countries in the field of electronic industry.

Задание 4. Supply the correct forms of the verbs:

1.  The goods can ( to deliver) only six months after we ( to sign) the contract.

2.  From the quotation which ( to enclose) with the letter you ( can, to get) all particulars concerning the model.

3.  New features ( to develop) in our machines not long ago, and now they quite ( to satisfy) market demands.

4.  Export packing ( to be, to include) into the price.

5.  You ( to be, to open) a Letter of Credit after you ( to receive) our Notification of Readiness.

Задание 5. Choose the correct form of the infinitive. Write the sentences.

1.  I think, you don’t feel comfortable in your new shoes. They are one size too small for you. You should ( try, have tried) on another pair.

2.  You should ( call, have called) on Jim yesterday. He wanted very much to see you.

Задание 6. Translate into English:

1.  нам следует обсудить этот вопрос детально.

2.  Почему вы не согласились с этими ценами? Вам следовало бы согласиться с ними.

3.  Все расчеты должны быть сделаны к концу месяца.

Задание 7. Replace clauses in bold type by participial constructions where possible

1.  We got in touch with the firm which produces computers.

2.  We received the cable which informed us of the arrival of the goods at our port.

Задание 8. Translate into English:

1.  Изучая эти образцы, мы увидели, что они имеют много преимуществ.

2.  Учитывая характер и масштаб предстоящей выставки, организаторы решили изменить место ее проведения.

3.  Партия товара, подготовленная к отправке задерживается в порту.

4.  Цена, назначенная вами слишком высокая.

Задание 9. Translate into English:

1.  Мы были бы вам признательны, если бы вы зарезервировали для нас номер в гостинице.

2.  Выставка еще открыта. Если бы вы посетили ее, вы познакомились бы с последними моделями этой фирмы.

Задание 10. With and translate the letter.


Subject: Addendum 1 to Contract No …

the total amount of $ ….


In respect to the above Addendum it is understood that there are some questions as to whether this order will actually materialize and that you will let us know within the next thirty ( 30) days ( not later than October 31 st in any event), as we do not intend to place the orders with the subcontractors until we are advised that the order is actual.

After October 31, …. We cannot guarantee the prices in Addendum 1, if we have not received the signed Addendum by that date. Delivery for this Addendum to Contract … will be during next year.

Kindly have the enclosures dated and signed as soon as possible. Thanking you for this opportunity of continuing service to Rossimport, we remain.

Sincerely yours,

Hartley Enterprises, inc


Вариант 5

Задание 1. Ask and answer as in the model.

-      When are you going to sign the contract?

-      It will be signed next week.

Prompts: 1. To clarify the matter; 2. To test the equipment; 3. To study the contract form of Blake & Co; 4. To send the Notification of Readiness to the Buyers; 5. To arrange an exhibition of your goods; 6. To send the inspectors to the Seller’s plants.

Задание 2. Translate into English:

1.  За последнее время рядом европейских стран были достигнуты большие успехи в науке.

2.  Товар “Росэкспорта” был поставлен французской фирме к концу прошлого года.

3.  3. Интересно, отправлена ли коллекция картин в Лондонский музей? – Да, она была отправлена на прошлой неделе самолетом.

Задание 3. Choose and use.

1.  At the Hermitage you can ( see, look at) two paintings by Leonardo da Vinci.

2.  We spent a day at the Tretyakov Art Gallery but could not ( see, look at) all the paintings.

3.  All tourists who come to Moscow want ( see, look at) the Kremlin.

4.  If you ( see, look at) the front wall of the Metropol Hotel you will ( see, look at) Vrubel’s work on it.

5.  In the Kremlin people can ( look at, see) the art of ancient artists.

Задание 4. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

1.  The capacity of the pumps ( must, to increase) in the shortest possible time.

2.  The shipment of compressors ( can, to make) from St. Petersburg within three weeks after your order ( to receive).

3.  The customers  ( must, to supply) the first lot of the goods not later than in June this year.

4.  We ( can, to supply) the model to your company at the price of … per unit.

Задание 5. Choose the correct form of the infinitive. Write the sentences.

1.  You should ( introduce, have introduced) some modifications into the model if you want it to be in demand.

2.  You should ( reserve, have reserved) accommodation at the Roman Beach Hotel in advance as the hotel is usually full, especially during summer time.

Задание 6. Translate into English.

1.  Вам следует приложить к письму последние каталоги на эту модель.

2.  Почему вы пришли так поздно? Вам следовало бы прийти пораньше.

3.  Предложение не может быть отправлено через 2 дня.

Задание 7. Replace clauses in bold type by participial. Constructions where possible.

1.  The firm sent us material which describes the manufacturing  programme of Brown & Co.

2.  We are now testing your machines which arrived from the manufacturing plant.

3.  We had to change the wording of the clause which was proposed by you.

4.  The tournament which was held in Moscow was sponsored by the Sport Committee.

Задание 8. Translate into English.

1.  При посещении выставки мы обратили внимание на этот станок.

2.  Мы послали фирме факс, указав точный вес груза.

3.  Судно, зафрахтованное нами для транспортировки, прибудет в порт только завтра.

4.  Высылаем вам литературу с описанием оборудования, изготавливаемого на нашем заводе.

Задание 9. Translate into English.

1.  Он бы помог мне завтра, если бы у него не было переговоров.

2.  Если бы они согласились на наши условия, мы могли бы сразу составить контракт.

Задание 10. Write and translate the letter.


Dear Sirs,

About this time every year, we have to revise our export prices. This is made necessary by the increased costs from the factories which we have had to take into account over the last six months. As a result, we now enclose a copy of our export price – list which becomes valid immediately.

We are also pleased to enclose our new catalogue and price – list covering our latest models and we should like to draw your attention to three new items: 1,2,3.

All these three items will be exhibited for the fist time at the European International Spring Fair from March 5 th to 9 th on stands Nos.  10,11,12.

We thank you for your support in the past and hope to be of service to you in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas & Co

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