СИБИТ, английский язык в профессиональной сфере (зачет+экзамен)
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26.03.2015, 12:58

1 семестр (зачет)


Текущий контроль  по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык в профессиональной сфере» включает выполнение письменного и интерактивного заданий.

Выполнение письменного задания.

Задание 1

Составьте презентацию на английском языке по одной из предложенных ниже тем:

1. The process of management in an organization. Management styles

2. Job satisfaction.

3. Communication and building relationships.

4. Management and cultural diversity.

5. Team building.

6. Types of risk companies face/Crisis Management.


1. Для составления презентации необходимо использовать газетные, журнальные и интернет источники, выдержки из этих источников с их указанием и другими материалами.

2. В электронном виде текст самой презентации, выполненной, например, в программе Power Point, и документы в формате Word со ссылками на все использованные материалы.

3.Студент также имеет право отказаться от презентации и представить краткое письменное сообщение по соответствующей теме, но максимальная оценка, предусмотренная за такое выступление, будет не более 4 баллов. 

4. Презентация прилагается к экзаменационной работе в электронной папке.


Задание 2

Переведите текст с английского языка на русский.
Sick note is replaced by fit note

From today the "sick note" is being scrapped to be replaced with a "fit note".
The UK government wants to reduce the numbers of people who leave their work on long-term sick, never to return. The change is part of the strategy to reduce the numbers of people on long-term health-related benefits. 
Every week in the UK, one million people go off work on the sick. After six months, 3,000 are still off. Of them, 2,500 are still off after five years. 
According to the UK government, work is generally good for our health and going back to work can aid recovery. Alternatively, staying off work can lead to long-term absence and job loss, with the risk of isolation, loss of confidence, mental health issues, and de-skilling and social exclusion. 

The government claims that the main difference with the new fit note is that it allows your doctor to advise you on how you may be able to return to work. After a hip replacement operation Varry Lavin's employer, Capita, adjusted her hours to accommodate her recovery. "The flexibility of the return to work plan was excellent for me, it meant that I could get back to work quickly," she said. 

Now doctors can advise people like Vary, who are on sick leave for more than seven days, that with support from their employer, they could return to work sooner. The "fit note" is set to cut the cost of sick leave for employers. The government expects it to benefit the British economy by an estimated £240m over the next decade. 

However, some doctors are not happy, as it could increase disputes between patients and GPs. There are doctors who do not wish to be seen forcing sick people back to work too early if a patient is not ready. The unions also have reservations, as employers have no legal obligation to recognise the "fit note". 
Ian Tasker, assistant secretary of the STUC, added: "GP's have had no training in how to use or make recommendations on the fit note, since they are not occupational therapists and will not know the person's work duties, structure of the company, or office set-up. This means it really is up to the individual to work this out with their employer."

Knowing whether the new sick note will be successful or not could take some time. It will take at least a year for the new computerised system to be installed that will measure the success or failure of the new "fit note" scheme.


Задание 3

Rendering (изложение) по-английски газетной статьи на русском языке без использования словаря

Передайте содержание статьи на английском языке, используйте фразы, необходимые для аннотирования текста.

В 1891 году инженер-механик Герард Филипс, выпускник Гельфтского университета, открывает фабрику электрических лампочек.
В первый год работы фабрика получила солидный заказ на электролампочки от... свечного завода. Скоро предприятие уже выпускало по 500 лампочек в день. Слишком много для такой небольшой и консервативной страны, как Голландия. Настало время для выхода на зарубежный рынок. Сначала Германия, затем Россия. Договор предусматривал реализацию в нашей стране до 50% всей продукции Philips.

В 1911 году на европейский рынок стали поступать электрические лампы из США. Превосходство этих ламп было столь велико, что за год они потеснили всех европейских производителей, в том числе и Philips, практически на всех рынках. Ситуация складывалась угрожающая: многие фирмы Старого Света оказались перед реальной угрозой разорения.

Герард пытался разработать аналог американских ламп - пока безуспешно. А его брат Антон колесил по США в поисках секрета чудо-лампы. Наконец, его поиски увенчались успехом. Оказалось, все дело в станках, позволяющих обрабатывать металл особым образом. Антон приобрел в США несколько таких станков, и Герард быстро усовершенствовал производство.
Это было спасение.

Американские уроки многому научили предприимчивых братьев. Отныне они не отставали от научно-технического прогресса и вкладывали большие средства в перспективные разработки.

Первый бытовой радиоприемник Philips появился в 1927 году. Производство стремительно перестраивалось. За два года персонал фирмы удвоился и достиг 20 тысяч человек.

В это же время рождается логотип Philips - знаменитый «щит». Волнистые линии и звездочки на нем символизируют радиоволны в эфире.
В шестидесятых годах Philips выпускает первую компактную аудиокассету и первую микросхему.

Сегодня Philips - одна из самых крупных электронных фирм в мире с годовым оборотом более 39 млрд. долларов. На компанию работает 264 700 человек в 64 странах мира.



Interactive situation involves immersing in the real situation, which has several possible solutions. Read the text, answer the questions to him. Analyze the situation, determine the problem and offer the best solution for it. Use the information from the text to define and describe its business development strategy. Explain all its advantages.

Situational task

Follow the instructions:

Before starting to work on the interactive task, learn the algorithm of actions set out in the table. This will help you to efficiently solve the task set before you.


Наименование этапа работы над кейсом

Первый этап

Ознакомление с ситуацией. Прочитайте текст, (рассмотрите схему), постарайтесь понять общее содержание и суть проблемы.

Второй этап

Работа с текстом.  Прочитайте текст повторно, выпишите и переведите новые для вас слова. Составьте банк новых для вас слов и выражений, которые помогут вам выразить свои идеи на английском языке.

Третий этап

Проведите анализ ситуации. Определите круг проблем, требующих решения.

Четвертый этап

Выдвижение решения указанных вами проблем. Сформулируйте возможные пути решения определенных вами проблем.

Пятый этап

Выберите лучший, на ваш взгляд способ и обоснуйте свой выбор.

Шестой этап

Обобщение полученных результатов. Четко сформулируйте свои идеи в письменном виде.

Remember, speech etiquette and formulas of politeness, which are characteristic of English speech. Below are the phrases, which you will be able to formulate and Express their views on the question under discussion:


Useful language bank for communication expressing opinion:

My point of view is that…        Моя точка зрения состоит в том, что…

It seems\appears to me that…    Мне кажется, что…

I think\ believe that …              Я думаю/ полагаю, что….

In my opinion\view…               По моему мнению …/На мой взгляд…

From my point of view…         С моей точки зрения…

As far as I am concerned…       Насколько я осведомлен…

I am totally against…                Я категорически против…

I (do not) agree that \with…      Я (не) согласен с тем, что…

I (completely) agree \disagree that \with…Я полностью согласен с тем, что…

We can summarize that…       Мы можем подвести итоги …


Situation: Imagine that you are going to buy an agricultural farm and develop it.

What decision would you take to develop your agricultural business and solve this problem successfully? Justify your replies.

1. Examine the situation and find out the main problem of the article.

2. Highlight the key factors of possible problems.

3. Why is agricultural economics developing rapidly?

4. What is it necessary to know to understand agricultural economics?

5. What is the main characteristic of agriculture?

6. Why do farms of the same type in different regions use different livestock breeds, crop varieties and machinery?

7. What are the main reasons for rising efficiency in agriculture in the developed countries?

8. What are the factors limiting further rise of productivity in agriculture?

9. Why do farm incomes vary from year to year?

10. Do you agree that the current situation in agriculture needs changing?



Agricultural economics has been one of the leading branches of applied economics since the 1920s. Now it is developing rapidly and successfully as it is important for most countries of the world.

In order to understand agricultural economics it is necessary to know how crops are sown, cultivated, fertilized, and harvested, how livestock are bred, raised, fattened, and sold.

One of the main characteristics of agricultural sector is its great dependence on natural conditions, such as climate, weather, soil, etc. For example, there are differences between farms growing crops or fattening cattle in the central part of Russia and in its southern regions, as well as between farms growing wheat in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Farms of the same type working under different natural conditions use different livestock breeds, crop varieties, harvesting machinery, etc.

In developed countries the productivity in agricultural sector including agriculture and processing of agricultural products is being raised as fast as in economy as a whole. The main reasons for rising efficiency are: a) better agricultural technology; b) better capital inputs', such as machinery; c) achievements in biological sciences.

However, there are two main factors limiting further rise of efficiency: increasing energy scarcity as well as the loss of topsoil' and water.

Unlike incomes in most industries, farm incomes vary from year to year. They depend on weather conditions and changes in demand for and supply of most farm products.

All these problems are considered by agricultural economics.

Пояснения к тексту

1. capital inputs — капиталовложения

2. topsoil — верхний слой почвы



Промежуточный контроль по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере» проводится в виде письменного тестирования.


по дисциплине

«Иностранный (английский) язык в профессиональной сфере»

№ п/п

Содержание вопроса

Варианты ответа


Management is in a revealed in variety of specific activities......?                                                               


а) doesn't it?

b) does it?

с) isn't it?


A manager should know how to organize and coordinate employees.......?

а) does he?

b) shouldn't he?

                             с) should he?


However the manager will rarely have all the knowledge he needs......?

а)does he?

b) is he?

с) won't he?


Managers must be competent in every aspect of business.........?                                       

а) must they?

b) do they?

с) mustn't they?


Coca – Cola........ all over the world.

a) enjoys

b) is enjoyed      

c) enjoy


1.6 billion gallons........ every year in over one hundred and sixty countries.

a) are sold

b) are being sold

c) is sold


The drink......... by Dr.John Pemberton in

Atlanta in 1886.

а) has been invented

b ) had been invented

с) was invented


Вut it ...(4).... the name Coca -Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson.

a) had been given

b) was given

c) gave


In the first year only nine drinks a day.....(5).....

a) had been sold

b) have sold

c) were sold


The business............by a man called Asa Candler in 1888.

a) was bought

b) has been bought

с) was being bought


And the first factory..........in Texas in 1895.

a) opened

b) had been opened

c) was opened


Coca – Cola.....(8)..... there.

a) still made

b) is still made

c) is still being made


Billions of bottles and cans.....(9)....since 1895.

a) are produced

b) are being produced

c) have been produced


It is certain that Coca – Cola......... far into the twenty-first  century.

a) will have drunk

b) will drink

c) will be drunk


They can ... us with the computers in March.


a) support 

b) serve 

c) supply


Usually fairs and exhibitions ... with visitors.

a) is crowded

b) are crowded

c) am crowded


The catalogues were ... with our offer.

a) enclosed

b) closed

c) close


The price depends ... the quantity of the machines.

a) of;

b) at;

c) on


They usually give a discount to customers who are ... close touch with them .

a) with;

b) in;

c) at


I expect ... to be in the office earliest tomorrow.

a) he;

b) his;

c) him


I expect ... to come on Friday.

a) them

b) their

c) they


I would like ... to study German.

a) she;

b) he;

c) him


A good rest in the open air has a good effect ... people.

a) at;

b) on;

c) with


The A 50 Model is different ... the A 40 Model.

a) of;

b) on;

c) from


... time plays an important part in the daily life of business people.

a) a;

b)  –  ;

c) the


2 семестр (экзамен)


Текущий контроль  по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык в профессиональной сфере» включает выполнение письменного и интерактивного заданий.
Задание 1

Составьте презентацию на английском языке по одной из предложенных ниже тем:

1. International marketing

2. Promotional tools

3. Business Ethics 

4. New Business and Innovations

5. Negotiations 

6. Human Resources Management

1. Для составления презентации необходимо использовать газетные, журнальные и интернет источники, выдержки из этих источников с их указанием и другими материалами.

2. В электронном виде текст самой презентации, выполненной, например, в программе Power Point, и документы в формате Word со ссылками на все использованные материалы.

3.Студент также имеет право отказаться от презентации и представить краткое сообщение по соответствующей теме, но максимальная оценка, предусмотренная за такое выступление, будет не более 4 баллов. 

4. Презентация прилагается к экзаменационной работе в электронной папке.


Задание 2

Переведите текст с английского языка на русский.
Borrowing and Investing

The same process takes place with businesses seeking investment funds for new factories, stores and equipment. And as with other industries in a market economy, competition among banks helps ensure that interest rates will be as low as possible while still providing a satisfactory rate of return to banks that are run well and efficiently. Further, because the pool of money available for loans is limited, the borrowers - individuals and companies - will compete among themselves to win the bank's approval. This competition helps ensure that bank loans are allocated to investments with the highest potential return in a manner much more efficient than if the government made borrowing and loan decisions itself.

Businesses seek these investment loans for new facilities or machinery to increase their production and sales. These firms expert to earn profits on these new investments for many years, so they are willing to pay interest for funds they can use to purchase those assets and start their production now, not later.
Of course, if the interest they have to pay is higher than the rate of return they expert to earn, the businesses won't borrow the funds. And in fact, if a company doesn't have an investment in mind that pays more than the current interest rate on borrowed funds, it will save the money rather than trying to borrow more funds itself Or, more likely, the business will try to shift its resources into a different line of business, where the expected rate of return is higher than the rate paid on borrowed funds. That is simply another way in which resources are directed to firms that have identified the most profitable uses of resources - based, as we have seen earlier, on providing the things consumers want most, at prices that meet or beat the prices for similar products offered by competing firms.

Here, too, international trade can be important. Just as countries can exchange products, they can also exchange financial services and investment funds. Foreign investment can increase the amount of money, or capital, available for businesses seeking to borrow and invest. By competing with domestic banks and financial institutions, foreign investment can also help keep interest rates - the cost of money - down.

Foreign investment, if perceived to be too extensive, can trigger fears that parts of the economy are no longer under a nation's control. Such fears are almost always unwarranted, in large part because the dynamics of a market economy apply equally to international as well as national investments and business activity. Foreign direct investment, like any other kind of investment, is a vote of confidence in economic growth. By bringing in a new source of funds, foreign investment usually improves efficiency, adds management expertise and helps keep interest rates down.


Задание 3


Rendering (изложение) по-английски газетной статьи на русском языке без использования словаря.

Передайте содержание статьи на английском языке, используйте фразы, необходимые для аннотирования текста.

Реклама полезна Сети

Бесконечные жалобы пользователей Интернета на назойливость (persistence) и бессмысленность (senselessness) рекламы в Сети — это все капризы (caprices). У посетителей сайтов нет отвращения (aversion for) к рекламе, они ее замечают и даже реагируют на деловые сообщения. Согласно прове­денному в Великобритании исследованию, тем или иным способом на рекламу в Сети реагируют 78% пользователей Интернета в возрасте от 16 до 45 лет.

Исследование проводилось медиа-планнинговым агентством Starcom Motive, подразделением аме­риканской ВсотЗ Group, совместно с исследовательским центром Hauck Research. Starcom опросила 197 активных пользователей Интернета, которые выходят в Сеть по меньшей мере раз в неделю. При этом 85% опрошенных владеют сотовым телефоном (по всей стране этот показатель составляет 65%) и 39% имеют цифровой телевизор (по всей стране — 30%).

Реклама в Интернете, включая баннеры, всплывающие окна и сетевые промоушн-акции, заставила 38% опрошенных заняться поиском рекламируемого товара или услуги в Сети, 34% — купить товар через Сеть, 24% — воспользоваться рекламируемой услугой. Каждый десятый заявил, что реклама в Сети побудила его купить товар в магазине.
Но очень важно оговориться (it's important to emphasise), что сам рынок сетевой рекламы крайне мал. Он растет достаточно быстро и в ближайшие пять лет должен увеличиться в три раза, но на его долю приходится пока лишь около 1% всех рекламных затрат. В Великобритании, по данным агент­ства Zenith Media, на рекламу в Сети тратится 140 млн фунтов ($196,3 млн) в год, тогда как общий объем британского рекламного рынка составляет 10 млрд фунтов ($14 млрд) в год.

Несмотря на относительно невысокую стоимость рекламного места в Интернете, компании пока относятся к рекламе в Сети осторожно. Рекламные интернет-агентства изо всех сил стараются завое­вать доверие рекламодателей и убедить их в эффективности рекламы в Сети. Интернет-провайдеры намерены создать ассоциацию рекламных агентств для упорядочения деятельности по продаже рекла­мы.

Исследование выявило также некоторые жалобы пользователей Интернета на рекламу в Сети. Око­ло 89% опрошенных заявили, что считают сетевую рекламу всего лишь мерой для привлечения посе­тителей на сайты компаний. А 40% опрошенных считают Интернет-рекламу слишком назойливой (persistent), при этом 51% участников опроса заявили, что реклама в Сети никогда не соответствует (never corresponds to) содержанию того сайта, на котором она размещена.

«Люди хотят, чтобы их развлекали и завлекали (want to be entertained and involved). Но по боль­шей части реклама в Сети скучна, и это разочаровывает пользователей. Однако, когда реклама развле­кает, когда она приходится к месту, пользователи реагируют на нее и утверждают, что она повлияла на них», — говорит Кэти Коллинз, директор одного из подразделений Hauck Research.



Interactive situation involves immersing in the real situation, which has several possible solutions. Read the text, answer the questions to him. Analyze the situation, determine the problem and offer the best solution for it. Use the information from the text to define and describe its business development strategy. Explain all its advantages.

Situational task

Follow the instructions:

Before starting to work on the interactive task, learn the algorithm of actions set out in the table. This will help you to efficiently solve the task set before you.


Наименование этапа работы над кейсом

Первый этап

Ознакомление с ситуацией. Прочитайте текст, (рассмотрите схему), постарайтесь понять общее содержание и суть проблемы.

Второй этап

Работа с текстом.  Прочитайте текст повторно, выпишите и переведите новые для вас слова. Составьте банк новых для вас слов и выражений, которые помогут вам выразить свои идеи на английском языке.

Третий этап

Проведите анализ ситуации. Определите круг проблем, требующих решения.

Четвертый этап

Выдвижение решения указанных вами проблем. Сформулируйте возможные пути решения определенных вами проблем.

Пятый этап

Выберите лучший, на ваш взгляд способ и обоснуйте свой выбор.

Шестой этап

Обобщение полученных результатов. Четко сформулируйте свои идеи в письменном виде.

Remember, speech etiquette and formulas of politeness, which are characteristic of English speech. Below are the phrases, which you will be able to formulate and Express their views on the question under discussion:


Useful language bank for communication expressing opinion:

My point of view is that…        Моя точка зрения состоит в том, что…

It seems\appears to me that…    Мне кажется, что…

I think\ believe that …              Я думаю/ полагаю, что….

In my opinion\view…               По моему мнению …/На мой взгляд…

From my point of view…         С моей точки зрения…

As far as I am concerned…       Насколько я осведомлен…

I am totally against…                Я категорически против…

I (do not) agree that \with…      Я (не) согласен с тем, что…

I (completely) agree \disagree that \with…Я полностью согласен с тем, что…

We can summarize that…       Мы можем подвести итоги …


Situation: You are going to start your own business in a certain sphere and develop it.

1. Read the article, examine the situation and find out the main problem.

2. Highlight the key factors of possible problems which you can face.

3. Explain what influences profits and losses in any industry.

4. What decision would you take to start and develop your own business?

5. What are the best ways to solve this problem successfully? Justify your replies.

6. Describe your strategy on the way to your success.


Small business

  A sole proprietorship is a business owned by person. Sole proprietorships are the most numerous kind of business organization, but most are very small. The reason of their popularity is that they are the easiest and least costly to organize.

There are other advantages. Sole proprietors own all the profits of their enterprises, and they are their "own bosses", free to make whatever changes they please. They have minimum legal restrictions and do not have to pay the special taxes placed on corporations. Sole proprietors also have the opportunity to achieve success and recognition through their individual efforts.

There are also some disadvantages. A very serious one is the unlimited liability that each proprietor faces. All debts and all problems associated with the business belong to the owner. If a business fails, the owner must personally assume the debts. This could mean the boss of personal property such as automobiles, homes and savings. The second disadvantage of the sole proprietorship is that it has limited capital. The money that a proprietor can raise is limited by the amount of his or her savings and ability to borrow.

Small business face many problems. Bad economic times affect small business more than they do big business. In addition, small business profits tend to fall faster, and small businesses are more likely to fail. The larger the firm is, the better the chance it has of surviving. The four top problems facing small business at the time are: taxes, slow sales, the high cost of borrowing money and  competition   from  other business. On the bright side,  the innovativeness of entrepreneurs in small business is likely to enable a small business to react quickly and successfully to changing times.

Where is entrepreneurship most likely to be welcomed? The answer is in small business. In fact, the word "entrepreneur" is frequently used to define a small business owner, since the owners of small business usually carry out many of the functions of those businesses themselves. In large business the tasks of organizing and operating are done by many hired managers. 3. There are numerous reasons people think about owning a business of their own. Personal independence, unlimited profit potential; the opportunity to work at something they really love and at hours they choose are some of the reasons people have given for trying entrepreneurship. Many business leaders begin their careers as entrepreneurs after four years of undergraduate college training and even additional graduate school training. Others become successful entrepreneurs without special training. Sole trader or sole proprietor is the simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of running your own business. This is especially suitable for small retail business.



Промежуточный контроль по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык в профессиональной сфере» проводится в виде письменного тестирования.


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«Иностранный (английский) язык в профессиональной сфере»

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Содержание вопроса

Варианты ответа


Text 1.

Mergers are always headline news. Some financial commentators even regard them as an indicator of the economic health of a nation. Which is strange when you consider that most mergers and acquisitions fail.

The deals themselves go through, and regardless of the high costs, the bankers get paid. But then the expected economies of scale prove elusive and there are clashes of corporate cultures.

Employees become nervous and less efficient as they worry about losing their jobs.

Depending on whose research you believe, 50 to 80 per cent of acquisitions fail to fulfil the strategic objective for which they were designed.

Given all this, it is interesting to see a merger which is successful. And that is what seems to have happened when Promo and Truck Ads merged.

According to the text, what is one reason why mergers and acquisitions often fail?

a) The costs involved are too high.

b) The companies involved have different attitudes to business.

c) The merger or acquisition is not given a clear goal.

d) Staff leave because they feel their jobs are not secure.


Text 2.

Eva Lendel started Promo in 1991, the same year Paul Watson founded Truck Ads. Both companies did the same thing: they ran poster campaigns on trucks for major advertisers.

It was a new medium and both companies expanded quickly.

It looked so easy and profitable that lots of small operators came into the business – which worried both of them because they felt that these new companies did not really know what they were doing.

This, they felt, could have a negative effect on all companies in this sector. So Lendel and Watson formed a trade association to protect the reputation of their businesses.

'Out of all these companies that mushroomed up,' says Watson, 'almost none have survived. They just didn't offer a professional service.'

Lendel and Watson thought that many of the smaller operators in the industry …  

a) lacked professional standards.

b) had expanded too quickly.

c) wanted to set up a trade association.

d) were making excessive profits.


Text 3.

Once they had the market largely to themselves, Lendel and Watson competed in some situations and collaborated in others.

Whenever one had more campaigns than they could handle, they would subcontract to the other.

Finally, Lendel suggested that her company buy Truck Ads. It helped that Lendel and Watson had known and respected each other for years.

They knew from the trade association that they had many business values in common. And they knew they would lose business opportunities if they did not get bigger.

Before the merger, Lendel and Watson were aware that the two companies …

a) were already beginning to lose business.

b) had different strengths and weaknesses.

c) were doing too much subcontracting.

d) had similar ideas about business


Text 4

Turning two workforces into one is never easy.

'Once the merger had gone through, I was relieved that there had been no redundancies,' says Lendel.

'I hadn't realised, though, how much loyalty there was to the Truck Ads brand.

This impressed me but also worried me as we had wiped away the brand overnight.

So I brought in lots of policies to make everyone feel part of the team and then I saw every employee individually to explain the advantages of the merger for them.'

What did Lendel do after the merger had been completed?

a) She began putting staff in different teams

b) She refused to make any staff redundant.

c) She explained to all staff how the merger would benefit them.

d) She congratulated the staff on their loyalty to the new company.


The production costs are … in our company.

a) low

b) plane

c) poor

d) cheap


An exporter must … the foreign market.

a) study

b) learn

c) teach

d) examine


Each point of our contract must be discussed very … .

a) carefully

b) often 

c) good 

d) interesting


We were in Canada … week and purchased some new equipment there.

a) past

b) fast

c) cast

d) last


Arizona is one of the … states, it’s desert.

a) dry

b) drying

c) driest

d) drier


We flew right … the mountains and landed on a small lake high up in the mountains.

a) over

b) under

c) inside

d) into


What did you … for breakfast?

a) had

b) has

c) having

d) have


Does … have lunch with Mr. Dawson?

a) she

b) we

c) I

d) it


Укажите русский эквивалент (a – i) для английских слов (1 – 9).

1. lack (of)

2. to offer

3. home instructions

4. degree

5. to introduce

6. advanced

7. research

8. to attend

9. average

a углубленный

b исследование

c посещать

d вводить

e нехватка

f средний, обычный

g предлагать

h степень

i домашнее обучение


Укажите время и залог (варианты 1 – 6) глаголов a – f

1. Present Continuous Passive

2. Past Continuous Active

3. Past Simple Active

4. Present Perfect Passive

5. Present Perfect Active

6. Future Simple Passive

a. was boiling

b. is being shown

c. has tasted

d. will be developed

e. have been done

f. contained


My brother __________ abroad before, so he enjoyed every moment of his visit to England.

a) wasn’t

b) hadn’t been

c) haven’t been


Укажите соответствующее обозначение времени (a – f) для времен (1 – 6).

1.Past Continuous

2. Present Perfect

3. Future Simple

4. Present Simple

5. Present Continuous

6. Future Perfect

a) since

b) usually

c) at present

d) in a month

e) by next Monday

f) yesterday at 3 o’clock



a) sociable

b) sensitive

c) serious

d) separate



a) relaxed

b) relayed

c) reserved

d) reminded



a) popular

b) polite

c) possible

d) plump


грубый, невежливый

a) rude

b) rigid

c) risky

d) rough



a) unfortunate

b) unhappy

c) upset

d) upside


Выберите правильное определение.

1. to queue

2. to bypass

3. to imagine

4. to mean

5. to ban

a) to represent; to have in mind as (for) a purpose;

b) to forbid by law

c) to avoid, make a way round;

d) to form or join a line while waiting;

e) to form a picture or idea in the mind


Выберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол (a – d):

1. Ты можешь взять на вечер мою маши ну, я не против.

2. Я могу переплыть это озеро дважды без остановки.

3. От смеха я не мог говорить.

4. Как ты можешь дружить с таким грубияном?

5. По словам хозяина дома, мы могли делать все, что нам угодно.

a) can

b) may

с) could

d) might



Выберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол (a – d):

1. Все cтуденты должны сдавать вступительные экзамены.

2. Тебе не идет короткая стрижка, ты должен отрастить волосы подлиннее.

3. Вы не должны учить всю поэму наизусть, выучите отрывок на выбор.

4. Вы не должны нарушать наши правила, иначе будете оштрафованы.

5. Ты должен немедленно пойти и сознаться во всем!

6. Ты должен немедленно снять эту ужасную шляпу!

7. Ты не должен работать в одиночку – это опасно, дождись напарника.

a) must

b) should

c) mustn’t

d) needn’t



Закончите предложения.

1. If I were you,

2. If people did not drop litter on streets,

3. If I didn’t have a car,

4. I wish

5. If it were not so late now,

6. If I’m there and see him,

7. If you had packed your things beforehand,

8. I would have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday

a) I would cycle to work.

b) I would go to see him.

c) you would have got to the station in


d) I’ll tell him about it.

e) if I had had your address.

f) I had drinking water.

g) our town would be much cleaner.

h) I would stop smoking.


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