СПбГИЭУ, английский язык (контрольная работа №1)
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18.11.2013, 10:58

В контрольной работе используется следующий принцип построения вариантов заданий:

Часть1- выполнение упражнений на грамматические аспекты английского языка;

Часть 2 – письменный перевод текста с английского языка на русский язык и выполнение упражнений к тексту.

Вариант контрольной работы определяется начальной буквой фамилии студента.

Вариант № 1 выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв А-З.

Вариант № 2 выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв И-О.

Вариант № 3 выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв П-Я.

В части 1 контрольной работы все упражнения должны быть переписаны, подстановочные элементы следует выделить цветом или подчеркнуть

В части 2      В части 2 студент должен выполнить адекватный  перевод  связного английского текста на русский язык и упражнения к тексту. Английский вариант текста , вопросы к тексту и русский вариант предложений в материал контрольной не вносятся.

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант № 1

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв А-З)

I. Grammar Exercises

1. Supply the correct article where necessary

1. It’s … plant of … telephone equipment.  …plant is outside Moscow. It’s … very large plant. …manager of our company is going to visit… plant with…Chief Engineer of GML on Friday.

2. … inspectors of …company would like to go to … plant in …afternoon.

3. There is…large bookshelf in my study. …bookshelf is on … wall. It is …nice bookshelf.

4. What’s…weather like today?

- ….weather is very cold.

5. My company is interested in buying …machines Model B20.

6. There is …lot of accommodation at …seaside in …Great Britain, but…accommodation is very expensive.

2. Указать правильные предлоги, где это необходимо.

  1. She never buys goods …sale prices.
  2. You can try …this coat…..the changing room.
  3. She called …a small shop and bought …a dress. It was …the right size and colour and it was not expensive… her.
  4.  Liza Minelli was born …March 12, 1946, …Hollywood.  …her childhood she was interested …film-making, but she especially enjoyed going …MGM Studios and looking …dancers.
  5. Will you fill …the forms, please? Thank you. The porter will take you up…your rooms …the lift. Here are the keys …your rooms.
  6. I know you are going to spend …your holiday …the coast …the Black Sea. Write me…your holiday when you come back …Moscow.

3. Supply the correct forms of comparison.


1. – Is Manchester (такой же красивый как)      London? -  No, certainly not. London is a (более красивый)  city. It’s one of the (beautiful) cities in England.


2. This film is (bad) than I saw last week. Actually it’s (bad) film I’ve seen lately.

3. This sentence is (difficult) than the first one.

4.  Ruth’s hair is (long and beautiful) than Kate’s.

5. The cat is much (happy) in her new home. It is much (comfortable) than the old one.

4.    Supply modal verbs or equivalents

1.You …sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do so.

      2. Everybody …learn a foreign language.

      3. …I use your phone?

      4. He…swim very soon.

      5. Last summer it was very dry and I ….water the garden every day.

      6. Next year he….speak English quite fluently.

      7. My sister didn’t buy coffee, so I …go to shops myself.

5.  Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. I (to know) the results in a week.

2. Voronin seldom (to watch) TV. In the evening he usually (to do) his homework. Sometimes he (to write) letters to his friends. Now he (to read) an English book. He (to like) the English language and he (to want) to speak this language well.

3. Tom (to sit) in the corner with a book. I told him that he (to read0 in very dark light.

4.- (to be) Mrs.Bell in the garden? – Yes, she (to show) it to her friend. Her garden (to be) very nice and she always (to show ) it to her friends.

5. She’s flying to Rome tomorrow. She (to send) her family a telegram as soon as she (to arrive).

6. Next year ( to be) a leap year.

     6.Put in the correct question word.

  1. _____ are you doing now?
  2. _____time do you get back?
  3. _____ was the party last night?
  4. _____ many people live there?
  5. _____far is your school from our house?
  6. _____don’t we have a game together some time?

II. Translate the text  into Russian

Patients Prefer Talking to a Computer

Those of us who don’t want to tell our doctor how much we really drink are often more honest with a computer. In fact many patients say they prefer talking to a computer to talking to their doctors.

"Computers don’t expect you to smile or socially relate to them when you are filling ill, "said psychiatrist and program writer Dr. Tony Carr.

Dr. Carr of the Maudsley Hospital in London tries to make sure his programs are friendly. For example, if a patient called Anna says that both her parents are dead, the computer will say: "I’m sorry to hear that, Anna.”

As well as expressing sympathy, the computer can also question and remind. If a patient says he never drinks alcohol, the computer can ask him: "Never? Not even at parties or at Christmas?”

Computers are doing everyday interviews which used to take up a lot of a doctor’s time. And of course it is cheaper to use a computer than a highly-trained person.

Does this direct contact between the patients and the computer mean that we do not need doctors anymore?

It depends. Computers are useful because they do not get embarrassed. They do not look shocked if you say you drink two bottles of whisky a day. And they do not stop to talk on the phone as doctors often do.

But as Dr. Mike Pringle, a family doctor in Nottinghamshire, said: "We smile and we give a patient a hankie or put an arm round her shoulder if she is crying. This is why people will always want us.

Answer the questions

1.Are patients always honest with doctors?

2. Do patients prefer talking to a computer or to their doctor?

3. Can you prove that computer programs are friendly?

4. What can computers do?

5. Are computers more important than doctors?

 Translate from Russian into English

  1. Не все пациенты бывают откровенны с врачом.
  2. Пациенты предпочитают общаться с компьютером.
  3. Компьютеры могут задавать пациентам вопросы
  4. Использование компьютера более экономично, чем работа высококвалифицированного специалиста.
  5. Людям всегда будут нужны врачи.

Вариант № 2

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв И-О)

I. Grammar Exercises

1. Supply the correct article where necessary

1. On …21st of September Mr.White came to …Ministry of …Foreign Economic Relations to have …talks with Smirnov of …Rossimport. Before…talks they spoke about Smirnov’s holiday.

2. It’s …enquiry from…company. …company is interested in …telephone equipment. They know we are selling … new model of … equipment.

3. In…morning …engineers look through…Russian and English newspapers and journals.

4. The Seller offered us…3% discount, but…discount did not suit us.

5. It’s… pleasure to go to … different places in … country.

6. Blake&Sons are not …very big company, but they’re …very popular on …world market.


2.    Supply the correct prepositions where necessary

1.     Many customers come …Rossexport  to discuss business matters …the engineers of the company. They usually discuss prices and terms …payment.

2.     As the hotels are full ….weekends Mr.Blake phoned … the Hove hotel and reserved rooms …advance.

3.     Petrov will stay …London ….two weeks.  …his stay in London he will contact …some British firms.

4.     When he came …London he made an appointment …Mr.Morris …Brown & Co.

5.     I like to listen …music.

6.     Fine. It suits …me. Our driver will pick you …   …the hotel.


3.    Supply the correct forms of comparison

1.     The staff will be much (happy) in their new office.

2.     A steel watch is (expensive) than a golden one.

3.     Michael is (competent) manager in the company.

4.     Are their prices ( такие же attractive как) prices charged by GML?

5.     My secretary is (good) than yours.


4.    Supply modal verbs or equivalents

 1. All of us …be in time for classes.

 2. You…find many places of interest in the city.

 3.  Must I have talks in English?  - No, you …

 4.  I (to have, to stay) in the office after 6 tomorrow.

 5.  I…take the message for him. I’m very busy.

 6.  I’m tired. I…have a cup of black coffee

 7.  -…you …to deliver the goods urgently? –I’m afraid, we won’t.


5. Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. He (to work) in London. His office hours (to begin) at 8.30. He (not to go) to his office on Saturday and Sunday.

2. When I (to arrive) in London, it (to rain) heavily.

3. Mr. Brown (to come out) of the hotel at 7.30. The car (to wait) for him. He (to get in) and (to go) to the Ministry.

4.–What you ( to do)?   - I (to be) an engineer.

5. It is a very boring novel. I ( to read) it for two or three weeks, though usually I (to read) books very quickly.

6. Peter together with his three friends (to leave) for Spain next Friday.


6.  Put in the correct question word.

1._______are you thinking about?

2._______is the nearest telephone?

3._______don’t you wear this sweater?

4._______do they get to school?

5._______often does he go running?

6._______tall is he?


II. Translate the text  into Russian

Looking at Both Sides

Kotoen is in Tokyo. It is a home for the elderly. But it is not a gloomy place. The people who live there are always bright and cheerful. The reason for this is the happy voices of the children who attend the nursery school located in the same building. Eighty children aged one and a half to five or six go to this school.

Kotoen is the home for about 100 senior citizens. They miss family life and they can visit the nursery school whenever they wish. Children often come to play in their rooms. In the morning , both old and young do exercises. Special dates such as Christmas and sports days are celebrated together. " The children learn how to care for others by talking and being with their older co-residents ,” explained the director of Kotoen. "The elderly become more alive and their health improves thanks to their association with the children. The relationship between the very old and the very young is affectionate.”

The success of Kotoen has created a sensation in Japan and brought responses from all over the country. Fewer and fewer children are born in Japan each year and there is unused space in nursery schools. It was suggested to accommodate elderly in such schools. Thus the children can experience the advantages of close contact with people of much older generation.


Answer the questions

  1. What is Kotoen?
  2. Why is it a cheerful place?
  3. Why do old people like to be with children?
  4. How does the association with children affect old people?
  5. What is the use for children of staying side by side with old people?


Translate from Russian into English

  1. Сто престарелых людей живут в Котоен.
  2. Пожилые люди могут навещать детский сад в любое время.
  3. Дети учатся заботиться о своих бабушках и дедушках.
  4. В Японии сейчас не очень много маленьких детей и некоторые детские сады пустуют.  
  5. Хорошо , когда дети и старики живут рядом .

Вариант № 3

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв П-Я)

I. Grammar Exercises

1. Supply the correct article where necessary

1….equipment of Blake& Co is very good. They sell it to … different companies.

2. Where are… newspapers?  They are on … desk.

3….last month our manager went to St. Petersburg by … train. He went there by … express train. …train had no stops.

 4. If you want to get … room at …hotel in Nice in … summer time you must reserve …accommodation in advance. …Nice hotels are full during …summer time.

 5. We’ve received …enquiry for….three machines lately.

 6. The Seller didn’t agree to give us… discount as there goods were in … great demand at that price.


2.  Supply the correct prepositions where necessary

1.     She is sitting …the table and speaking …the phone.

2.     They met…Mr.Black …his office. The meeting began …10 o’clock and lasted …2 hours.

3.     The train will arrive…a delay ….40 minutes. Will you go …the departure lounge and wait …the announcement?

4.     The charge…. A room…this hotel is not very high.

5.     They’ve reserved a single and a double room …you…two nights…the fourth floor. These are modern rooms….private baths. They don’t face …the street.

6.     I’d like a suit…office wear.


3. Supply the correct forms of comparison

1.  The "Sony”   TV-set is (expensive) than the "Akai” TV-set. It’s ( один из самых дорогих телевизоров).

2.  Are our cars (такие же удобные как ) German cars?

3.  This is (busy) airport I’ve ever seen.

4.  I come home on Monday (late) than on other days.

5.  (Чаще всего ) we give discount to the Buyers if we have known them for a long time.


4. Supply modal verbs or equivalents

  1. …I offer you a cup of tea?
  2. – I (must, to go) to the office every day? – No, you … .
  3. When you (can, to look through) it?
  4. –Why are you so late? – Because I ( to have to phone) the British company.
  5. –Why did  Mt. Smith go to London last month? – He ( to be, to sign) a contract there.
  6. We received your offer 5 days ago and we (cannot, to study) it.
  7. You (to be, to contact) Blake & Co next Monday.


5. Supply the correct tense-forms.

1.     Now you (to see) Mr.Black in his office. During the day he (to look through) English newspapers, (to discuss) business matters. Now he (to read) a letter. He (to go) to phone the manager of the company.

2.     – How long it (to take) me to get there? – It (to take) you about half an hour to get there at this time of the day. There (to be) a lot of traffic now.

3.     Jack (to arrive) at the theatre at about 7 o’clock. Ten minutes later he (to sit) in the stalls and (to watch) the performance.

4.     I don’t know when our accountant (to come) back.

5.     – What model you (to be interested) in?

-  Model BC5 (to meet) our requirement.

6.     I (to send) you our offer last week. In my letter I (to ask) you to study it and to give us your answer.


6.    Put in the correct question word.

1.     _____does your father go on Mondays?

  1. _____didn’t you come to school yesterday?
  2. _____is she wearing?
  3. _____ don’t we go shopping this afternoon?
  4. _____ much are these trousers?
  5. _____ are they from?


II. Translate the text  into Russian

Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born in Chicago. He had a talent for drawing and an interest in photography when he was a boy. In 1923 he left for Hollywood to produce cartoons. His films soon became very popular. In September 1928 the first Mickey Mouse appeared and achieved the lasting success. Disney had a reputation as a creator of not only entertaining but also educational films. In the following years he made such all-time classics as Bambi, Dumbo and Sleeping Beauty. He also made nature documentaries and The Wonderful World of Disney, a weekly TV show that presented adventures.

In 1955 he opened Disneyland, a theme park in southern California that brought his magical world to life. Disneyland quickly became one of the most popular destinations in the world. Disney began planning an even bigger park in Florida but he died five years before Walt Disney World opened in 1971.

In the years since Disney’s death, his company has continued to expand and new parks have been created in Japan and France. And it still has characters that are beloved and licensed throughout the world.  With the release of such films as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin the Disney empire continues to grow.


Answer the questions

1.     Where was Walt Disney born?

2.     Why did he go to Hollywood?

3.     What was his most popular film which achieves lasting success?

4.     Did Disney make only entertaining films?

5.     When and where did he open the theme park?


Translate from Russian into English

  1. Уолт Дисней – известный создатель мульфильмов.
  2. Дети любят такие мульфильмы , как Бемби, Три Поросенка, Спящая Красавица.
  3. Дисней создал популярное телевизионное шоу, посвященное приключениям.
  4. Дисней создал парк в Калифорнии, где посетители могут увидеть героев своих любимых мульфильмов.
  5. Он хотел построить еще один парк во Флориде.


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