Вариант 4
Узнать стоимость этой работы
05.09.2014, 18:39

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на временную форму глагола. Выпишите сказуемое и укажите его время.

1. Only some compounds will break apart soon.

2. When we came into the classroom the instructor had already explained something new

3. Firefighters usually use hoses and water to fight fires.

4. Terrorism has been historically an important issue in politics around the world.

5. In the Middle Ages fire was a serious threat to every city.

6. The fire brigade was extinguishing a fire at 5 o’clock yesterday.

7. The room begins to fill with smoke.

8. The cadets have their exams soon, so they are working very hard at the moment.

9. Magnesium will burn in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide.

2. Составьте 2 общих вопроса, 2 специальных вопроса и 2 отрицательных предложения к утверждениям из Задания 1.

3. Поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в соответствующую степень сравнения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Dry powders are the (expensive) extinguishing agents.

2. Carbon dioxide is (heavy) than air.

3. I think colonel Petrov teaches (good) than our previous instructor.

4. My parents say that the (little) I sleep at lectures, the (much) I will know.

5. This earthquake was (powerful) earthquake recorded since 1900.

6. Halogenated agents require (low) concentration for extinguishment.

4. Переведите слова на русский язык и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся

1. complete – incomplete – completion

2. burn – unburned – burning

3. appear- appearance – disappear

4. produce –  production – product

5. grade – gradual – gradually

5. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The cadets are to take five exams in January.

2. A fireman inside the building full of smoke and toxic gases cannot ask for instruction.

3. We were able to put out the fire before much damage was done.

4. We have to get up early on Sundays.

5. We must not locate combustible materials near any sources of ignition.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Подчеркните сказуемое в страдательном залоге.

1. The bridge was being repaired when they came there.

2. The second fire engine was designed by Swedish engineer, Captain John Ericsson.

3. As German was constantly spoken around him, he soon became familiar with the language.

4. Flammable liquids should be kept out of reach of children.

5. Fuel gas is created by heat.

7. Перепишите предложения, выбрав причастие нужной формы. Укажите вид причастия. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The students (interesting, interested) in learn more about the subject.

2. I heard some (surprising, surprised) news on the radio.

3. We read a (shocking, shocked) report yesterday on the number of children who die at fires.

8. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундия.

1. An ammeter is used for measuring electric current.

2. She was sorry for having missed a few classes.

3. On carrying out this experiment, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.

4. On heating solutions of the sodium salt decompose.

5. Upon being heated to a high temperature many metallic compounds are decomposed.

9. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1. This is a good place to work in.

2. The lecture to be followed by a film will take place at 7.

3. There were many problems to be solved in order to understand this phenomenon.

4. There were many problems to be solved in order to understand these phenomena.

5. It takes the rays of the sun 8 minutes to get to the earth.

6. The substance to be analyzed should be pure.

10. Прочитайте текст.

Search and Rescue

Rescue operations consist of searching for and removing trapped occupants of hazardous conditions. Search patterns include movement against room walls (to prevent rescuers from becoming lost or disoriented) and methodical searches of specific areas by designated teams.

Searches for trapped victims are exhaustively detailed, often including searches of cupboards, closets, and under beds. The search is divided into two stages, the primary and secondary. The primary search is conducted quickly and thoroughly, typically beginning in the area closest to the fire as it is subjected to the highest risk of exposure. The secondary search only begins once the fire is under control, and is always (resources and personnel permitting) performed by a different team from that which did the primary search.

Searching a building is normally a two to three man team. The most common way to search a building that is filled with smoke is to crawl on hands and knees with an axe (or any other tool) in the firefighter's left hand. The firefighter will keep one hand on the wall, or a foot in contact at all times with the wall.

It is also important to remember that the firefighter needs to check the floor before he moves into the room.

Rescue operations may also involve the extrication of victims of motor vehicle crashes. Here firefighters use spreaders, cutters, and hydraulic rams, collectively called hydraulic rescue tools - known better to the public as Jaws of Life - to remove metal from the patient, followed by actually removing the patient, usually on a backboard with collar, and transferring to a waiting ambulance crew in the cold zone.

Rescue operations require extensive technical training. Rescuer must have medical training to perform any technical rescue operation. Accordingly, firefighters involved in rescue operations have some kind of medical training as first responders, emergency medical technicians, paramedics or nurses.

11. Найдите в тексте (задание № 10) и выпишите английские эквиваленты к данным словосочетаниям.                   

1. опасные условия

2. извлечение людей из-под завалов

3. предотвращать

4. первичный поиск

5. разделять на две стадии

6. подвергаться

7. наивысший риск

8. здание, наполненное дымом

9. спасательные операции

10. извлечение жертвы

11. автотранспортные аварии

12. гидравлические спасательные инструменты

13. требовать

14. медицинская подготовка

15. специалисты медицины катастроф

12. Закончите предложения, выбрав подходящее словосочетание. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

primary search                rescue operations                      hazardous conditions

hydraulic rescue tools               medical training

1. Being involved in rescue operations firefighters must have _____ to perform them successfully.

2. Firefighters use ____ to remove metal from the patient.

3. Search, removing trapped occupants, extrication of victims are all different types of _____.

4. The most common way to search a building in _____ is to crawl on hands and knees.

5. The search in the area closest to the fire is called _____.

13. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту из задания №10.

1. What is a rescue operation?

2. What is the difference between primary and secondary search?

3. What is the most common way of searching a smoky room?

4. What hydraulic rescue tools do firefighters use for their work?

5. What kind of specializations do firefighters get after their medical training?

14. Переведите предложения на английский язык, пользуясь лексикой текста (задание №10).

1. Одна из самых распространенных спасательных операций – это извлечение жертвы из автотранспортного средства после аварии.

2. Современный пожарный должен иметь медицинскую подготовку.

3. Следует строго соблюдать правила ведения поиска, чтобы предотвратить дезориентацию спасателя в задымленном помещении.

4. Поиск людей в опасных условиях относится к спасетльным операциям наивысшего риска.

5. Спасатели используют различные виды гидравлических инструментов для извлечения людей из-под завалов.

15. Прочитайте текст и составьте реферат на английском языке, опираясь на следующий план:

1. Название статьиавтор.

The title of the article is … Заголовок статьи…

The article under discussion is …  Статья, которую мне сейчас хочется обсудить ...

The author of the article is … – Автор статьи …

It is written by … – Она написана …

2. Тема, логические части.

The topic of the article is … – Тема статьи …

The article under discussion is devoted to the problem …  Статью, которую мы обсуждаем, посвящена проблеме …

The author in the article touches upon the problem of …  В статье автор затрагивает проблему ...

The article under discussion may be divided into several logically connected parts which are … – Статья может быть разделена на несколько логически взаимосвязанных частей, таких как …

3. Краткое содержание.

At the beginning of the story the author describes … - В начале истории автор описывает … (depicts – изображает, touches upon – затрагивает, explains – объясняет, introduces – знакомит, mentions – упоминает, recalls – вспоминает,

makes a few critical remarks on – делает несколько критических замечаний о …)

The story begins (opens) with a description of … – История начинается с описания … (statement – заявления, introduction of – представления, the mention of – упоминания, the analysis of a summary of – краткого анализа, the characterization of – характеристики)

The scene is laid in … – Действие происходит в …

In conclusion the author dwells on … – В заключении автор останавливается на … (points out – указывает на то, generalizes – обобщает, reveals – показывает, accuses/blames – обвиняет, gives a summary of – дает обзор).

4. Отношение автора к отдельным моментам.

The author gives full coverage to … – Автор полностью охватывает …

The author asserts that … – Автор утверждает, что …

The author resorts to … to underline … – Автор прибегает к …, чтобы …

Let me give an example – Позвольте мне привести пример …

5. Ваш вывод.

The message of the article is that …/ The main idea of the article is … – Основная идея статьи (послание автора)…

In conclusion I’d like to … – В заключение я хотел бы …

My own attitude to this article is … – Мое личное отношение к этой статье...

I fully agree with / I don’t agree with – Я полностью согласен с / Я не согласен с …

I have found the article dull / important / interesting /of great value – Я нахожу статью скучной / важной / интересной / имеющей большое значение (ценность)


Mom, it’s my job

I was at work one day when the phone rang. The caller stated that my son Scott, who happens to be both a career and volunteer firefighter, was injured at a fire on his career job. I was informed that Scott had some burns on his shoulders and hand, where there would be some scarring, and that he would miss a shift or two, but he would be O.K.

I left work early to coincide with Scott's arrival at home. He had large bandages around his shoulders and his hand, and he was beginning to feel some pain. We talked about the fire, and he told me it was a typical garden apartment-type fire and that his company had been assigned on automatic mutual aid. He and his lieutenant were in search mode because residents reported an 11 -year-old boy was trapped. Their backup line was right behind them, but it was not quite ready and they were; seconds became hours!

During their search, crawling on hands and knees to stay below the heat and smoke as they had learned, Scott felt something very hot on the back of his right hand, a sharp pain. He turned to his lieutenant and both of them shouted at the same time, "Let's get out of here now, it is too hot! » They exited quickly.

They were "greeted" at the door, and their coats were smoking and discolored around the shoulders. The firefighter at the door began patting the smoking gear, stating it was on fire. They both ended up with second-degree burns on both shoulders, and the hand burn resulted from the inside Nylon label on the gloves melting, even though they were compliant gloves!

The good news is that the properly designed and worn personal protective clothing prevented serious injuries, maybe even third-degree, debilitating burns. The coats, pants, and gloves could be replaced, but the scar tissue is still there.

As Scott's parents, it was a difficult day for both of us, and emotions were running high. I think sometimes we forget how our choice to be a member of the fire service can have such an impact on our family members. His mother was very concerned about the inevitable scarring and strongly suggested that he really needed to quit doing that! Scott looked her in the eye and with deep conviction in his voice stated, «Mom, it's my job».

Street Story by F. C. (Fred) Windisch, Fire Chief, Ponderosa VFD,   Houston, Texas

scarring – рубцы

automatic mutual aid – автоматическое взаимодействие

search mode – режим поиска

backup line – резервная (дублирующая) рукавная линия

scar tissue – рубцовая ткань

quit doing smth. – бросить  что-либо делать

state – заявлять, констатировать


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